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Secret to making money. Need help!

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From: brian

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1992.7 in reply to 1992.4
Date: 10/19/2007 8:28:43 PM
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So my money relies on TV game revenue once or twice a season? That doesn't make much sense.

That's not a main source of revenue, it's just an ancillary one. You're team has only just started so you need some time to build up your supporters. It looks like you have a few valuable players, you could sell them if you don't plan to train them. In the next week you'll be getting a few draft picks that might bring a good player or two.

Well planned hattrick teams take their lumps for the first season or two until training programs begin to reap benefits, supporters build-up, etc. I really don't see how this is much different.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: VitB6

This Post:
1992.8 in reply to 1992.7
Date: 10/19/2007 8:38:23 PM
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To me it seems different, because in Hattrick if I did nothing to my team I was never at risk of going bankrupt doing nothing. Unless some miracle happens, I will be bankrupt in BB in a few weeks. My fan club can't grow that quickly during that time and nothing spectacular will happen to my gameday attendance. Even with the extra $100,000 the last two weeks, my total money is only $116,000. Keep in mind that I started with $100,000. So from my free $100,000 I have managed to keep only $16,000 of it and I havn't done a darn thing. What if I wanted to buy a player or expand the arena (as people say that is important much earlier in BB). I couldn't do it. I can't afford a high level trainer so training is going to take awhile to see the benefits, however I'll be broke by the time my guys start popping to the point they will demand more than 5-10 thousand bucks on the transfer list.

We'll see how it plays out, but right now my hands a handcuffed behind my back and I can't do anything but wait. Not too much fun, but we'll see what happens.

From: brian

This Post:
1992.9 in reply to 1992.8
Date: 10/19/2007 9:43:50 PM
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Your arena when your last match was only 20% full. In this case I'd ignore the advice. On one hand this would be a bad time to start for lack of match revenue, but on the other you're just in time for the draft which might be much better for your team then a couple home games revenue (of course, depending on the players you draft).

When I started hattrick the first thing I had to do was get trainees, and to fund that I had to sell off my best players that wouldn't be part of training. At that point, my hands were tied and I couldn't get any new players until at least a season later when I could sell off a training asset or two to fund it. Long term it paid off, but short term I lost alot and wasn't able to make many moves those first few season.

In BB, you might already have players you can train and you only need a couple since you can focus training on fewer players (and they will train faster the fewer you train). I would focus on picking out a position that you have a couple young players worth training, and try to build around that. If you have older players at a training position not a bad idea to try to sell them, there's no loss is even buying them back if they don't get to a price you're happy with since there's no agent fees.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: Shoei

This Post:
1992.11 in reply to 1992.10
Date: 10/20/2007 8:59:03 AM
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the trick here is to have a winning team, look at your lineup and study your players and adjust. yes thats right get a trainer and keep tweaking that lineup till you win games.

youll see you attendance growing and money coming in, now if your getting the wins better plan now since your getting the 50k, get your arena growing because as you win more games so is your attendance better get that net ready it isnt the real life that people just stand and be like bunch of hams watching.

winning is everything, sad to say this applies also here in virtual world because your sales like jerseys etc also grows.

i hope i dont sound bad but it is what it is.

This Post:
1992.12 in reply to 1992.11
Date: 10/20/2007 3:52:27 PM
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I also strated a few weeks ago (comming from Hattrick) and also thought, man... end of season, no revenue, not even the small amount from scrimmages... I must be bankrupt before the new season starts.

I didn't know about the 4 weeks of 50k back then, but now, after selling off some players, GOOD players (which are in fact only a little better than the rest, but okay) I am now at 500k !! (sold 2 players for a total of 350k, and yes at first I thought they where not even worth 20k!!) I also bought at least 10 players which are good enough to play in any team for 1k or 2 k apiece....

Do not underestimate your players, I don't think there are any real good ones in the game yet. Average is a prety good skill at this time. I believe, for what I have seen, that inept is a prety average for any player. The 2 I sold for over 100k didn't have anything above respectable.

So my advice: keep your very best player, sell the 3 players that are right behind him. Fire your 3 worst (which you already did). Sell off any players you think you won't be ginving playtime anyway. You should have about 8 to 10 players left which you want to play for you (f.i. 1 starter and sub for each position).
And either buy 5 new players for less than 5k each, or not, depending on the fact that you are satified with the trainability of the players you kept...

Please note that I am new myself, maybe it is bad to sel 2 or 3 of your best, because it might be more important to keep them... I chose to sell, and my bank is not complaining.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
1992.13 in reply to 1992.12
Date: 10/20/2007 4:41:58 PM
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You will find if you have decent young players they will sell for a good amount. Everyone is looking for trainees and will pay top dollar.

From: VitB6
This Post:
1992.14 in reply to 1992.13
Date: 10/20/2007 10:05:24 PM
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Thanks for all the replies!

It is interesting because from these responses it seems as though I am getting conflicting answers/suggestions. Some people say sell your good non-trainee players for cash and buy lesser talent. Other people are saying you need to win games and get money from revenue. But how can I win games and fire my good players at the same time? If I don't sell my good players, I don't have enough money to expand my arena to get money. If I sell my good players, I won't be able to win games and fill my newly expanded arena. If I sell players and keep the cash, it seems as though it is just a matter of time before I run out of cash.

I don't know. I think the economy in BB NEEDS to be reworked. If people need to wait several seasons before they can just make managerial moves, what is the incentive to stick around and keep a close eye on your team? I personally think that a lot of people in BB right now came over from Hattrick and are used to the economy (even though BB is more extreme than Hattrick). How is BB going to expand when all the Hattrick converts are over? I think BB needs to look further down the road on this issue. It really isn't fun to sit around and not have enough money to do anything for 1-2 seasons. I personally will stick it out because eventually it will payoff (I hope), but the only way I know that is coming from Hattrick. Most lay people won't be willing to put up with it.

I'm not trying to complain or anything, but I just want this site to sustain itself and I'm being honest. If I was just a typical person that didn't come from Hattrick, there is no way I would be interested enough to stick around.

I think I will update this thread as the new season starts and chronical my economic choices and status. Perhaps it will be of some use down the road for BB as it evolves.

From: VitB6

This Post:
1992.15 in reply to 1992.14
Date: 10/20/2007 10:09:09 PM
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Update 1:

Took over team after the last week of the regular season. Started with $100,000. Currently have played 1 playoff game (lost) and 2 scrimmages. Bought a level 5 trainer and cut my roster down to 12 players. Sold 1 player for $2,000. Still receiving $50,000 bonus.

Net income this week: $3,786
Available balance: $120,062

This Post:
1992.16 in reply to 1992.14
Date: 10/20/2007 10:29:20 PM
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I think the economy in BB NEEDS to be reworked.

I don't really understand how you can make a statement like this after playing for less than three weeks.

The off season is the most difficult part of the BB year. You're making it through with a little bit of profit each week. Nice work. Once the regular season rolls around, you'll be making more money.

The draft will give you 3 new players to use or sell. Game revenue, TV revenue, and merchandising revenue will all increase for you as your team progresses.

This Post:
1992.17 in reply to 1992.16
Date: 10/21/2007 1:25:29 AM
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I think the economy in BB NEEDS to be reworked.

Everything that BadLarry just said plus:

Why are you even considering or worrying about expanding your stadium? If things are as dire as you say, then that's about the worst thing you can do. Especially considering you havent even been having matches, let along selling them out.

As for the players, we can't tell you which or how many of your players to sell/keep. You need to weigh the risk/rewards of those sales. We can't tell you exactly how to run your training program.

In my opinion, the BB's have done a great job in thinking about the economy as a whole and setting it up so that this game won't have the same issues as HT which is taking it's lumps for being so transfer market based.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -