My biggest beef with Bronson is not the low FG%, which is common among guards of in LI, but the high volume of shots. What I would like to know is this: Bronson takes more than twice as many shots as Nix (14.7 per game vs. 6.9). Those 7.8 shots are usually low percentage ones, so I wonder, when Nix plays are those extra shots any good or are they also crap, but tend to be taken by someone other than Nix?
Right, this is kind of what I was getting at. Basically, if you could, would you subtract, say, 5 JS from bronson's skills? (ignoring the ancillary effects on salary, and what that would do to his GS). Basically, would you trade a bit off the shooting % if it meant he also took fewer shots overall?
The reason I think this is relevant (beyond that fact that it's the strategy both of us employ on our club teams) is that it potentially changes the player pool, with guys like Selby, Kitchen (if he gets more OD) and McCullough then being more in the mix than they are now.