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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Training Delayed Again in china

Training Delayed Again in china

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226066.7 in reply to 226066.5
Date: 8/31/2012 7:04:31 AM
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Some here in the Philippines have updates already while there are some also that haven't had updates yet.

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226066.8 in reply to 226066.7
Date: 8/31/2012 8:24:08 AM
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Second Team:
Again, we had trouble with training in the Philippines. I believe we finally found the reason behind the issue and fixed it. With luck, we shouldn't have any more similar problems with training in the future.

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226066.9 in reply to 226066.8
Date: 8/31/2012 9:27:07 AM
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Again, we had trouble with training in the Philippines. I believe we finally found the reason behind the issue and fixed it. With luck, we shouldn't have any more similar problems with training in the future.

I'll definitely wish you luck then, but the programmers version of Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong, many things that can't go wrong will still go wrong because of user error, and everything else is highly likely to go wrong anyway just for the hell of it.