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Arena pricing suggestion

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245870.7 in reply to 245870.6
Date: 7/23/2013 3:02:40 PM
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You haven't understood my reasoning.

Let's say you have 10k bleachers. In first scenario, you sell 4k at higher prices. In the second scenario, you sell 6k at lower prices. Naturally, you should earn more money in the second scenario? Now, I haven't seen this being explicitly confirmed anywhere, but I doubt it's otherwise.

So the calculated bottom prices are definitely going to sell out, and furthermore, some unknown higher prices are also going to sell out. That's where you just make a guess.

This should be much better than randomly dropping the prices, simply because now you have a known bottom value, so you can make a well estimated guess.

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245870.8 in reply to 245870.7
Date: 7/23/2013 8:07:46 PM
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I don't think you get what I'm saying so I'll use a extreme example.

I'd rather sell 1 seat at 1 million than have to charge 0.5 to sell a million seats.

I dunno if this applies to BB in some shape or form at a less extreme level. But I hope you know what I mean now

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245870.9 in reply to 245870.8
Date: 7/24/2013 1:10:49 AM
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It certainly makes sense. Knowing the high end of what you can price really matters.

For instance, I overbuilt luxury boxes at some point and have 20. I have learned that I can reliably sell 13 of them for $750-850, and that nets me $11K at the current $850. I even think I could go a tiny bit higher, but if I raise the price $50 and lose one sale, then I'm gaining $600 on what I sell but losing the $850 I'm currently getting for that seat I just lost.

Now, if my only concern is selling all 20, then I'd need to sell for more than $550 to make the same $11K I do now. And if I drop the price to $575, I don't think I'd sell all 20. And then I'm losing money.

The point is selling all the seats is not what's important. Maximizing the income from the seats is. You have to think carefully about what a rise in price means in terms of income potentially gained vs. what you would lose if people didn't pay, and in reverse with a price cut.

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245870.10 in reply to 245870.9
Date: 7/24/2013 10:52:02 AM
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It certainly makes sense. Knowing the high end of what you can price really matters.

For instance, I overbuilt luxury boxes at some point and have 20. I have learned that I can reliably sell 13 of them for $750-850, and that nets me $11K at the current $850. I even think I could go a tiny bit higher, but if I raise the price $50 and lose one sale, then I'm gaining $600 on what I sell but losing the $850 I'm currently getting for that seat I just lost.

Now, if my only concern is selling all 20, then I'd need to sell for more than $550 to make the same $11K I do now. And if I drop the price to $575, I don't think I'd sell all 20. And then I'm losing money.

The point is selling all the seats is not what's important. Maximizing the income from the seats is. You have to think carefully about what a rise in price means in terms of income potentially gained vs. what you would lose if people didn't pay, and in reverse with a price cut.

There's the other side of it that you do need to build in some room for future growth - to add on to your example, I can pretty reliably sell 40 boxes at $400 each, though it's just barely since I rarely hit 40 when I bumped the price to $410. And that's $16k/week, a net gain over what you're pulling now. Of course you then factor in the cost of building, but then also consider that when you move up you'll want the extra seats and be able to profit on them sooner the earlier you have them.

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245870.11 in reply to 245870.10
Date: 7/24/2013 11:43:31 AM
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Excellent point.

In my case, I feel LT and Courtside are the areas where I need to keep adding, and I have been. Those are showing they'll sell if I build them, so that's where my focus needs to be first.

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245870.12 in reply to 245870.8
Date: 7/24/2013 5:55:18 PM
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I just believe BB doesn't work that way, and you always make more profit by setting lower prices, unless of course, you set the prices too low and the seats sell out.

Can anyone confirm this btw? Does anyone have a counter-example to prove me wrong?

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245870.13 in reply to 245870.9
Date: 7/24/2013 6:10:00 PM
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You noticed well, the luxury boxes are a borderline example here. They don't bring any major improvement. Even some older teams simply stay at 25-30.

But I still think they won't bring a loss either. Why don't you try pricing them by my suggestion for the final part of the season? Let's see if your income increases. At 550, they should sell out, and bring back the same income. But by my reasoning, they should also sell out at some bigger price. Try 700, at least 16 seats should be sold.

I will do it for my arena, but since my team is new, there will be improvements anyway. Your team is better for testing, since is more stable.

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245870.14 in reply to 245870.12
Date: 7/24/2013 10:14:28 PM
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Yea that's why I was saying if it was implemented in BB like that or not. No one knows the formulas they use, so we can only guess. My point was that your way didn't consider the scenario I brought up and that it should be considered when pricing

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245870.15 in reply to 245870.14
Date: 8/12/2013 11:29:53 AM
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Here are the results, YourPapa got more money by taking my suggested prices

Lower tiers: 1064*40=42560 previous, 1501*33=49533 new income

Luxes: 11*900=9900 previous income, 16*700=11200 new income

This is on a worse fan survey/weaker opponent, as shown by drop in bleachers from 5805 to 4992, whose prices he left unchanged.

You can also check my own arena, I earned more with luxes, courtsides, and lower tiers, although my fan survey got worse, and I played a crappy opponent, unlike the previous 3 matches.

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245870.16 in reply to 245870.15
Date: 8/12/2013 11:36:11 AM
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This supports the initial theory. The formulas are set up in a way that, in a given match, the more close you are to a sellout, the more money you earn.