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Interview him or not?

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From: HAHA

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255193.8 in reply to 255193.7
Date: 2/21/2014 10:15:36 PM
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Thanks for your reply anyway.

Possibly there is no conclusion as there are too many uncertainties. As my team is 1st in the standing, possibly I saved the scouting some points and try to scout/interview the draftees next season.

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255193.10 in reply to 255193.7
Date: 2/26/2014 7:30:32 AM
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a few seasons back i conducted a study on box score and the relation to the player skills.

At the time i discovered no relation to the two..... points/rebounds/FG% etc... nothing.


im drafting again this season. and .... i dunno... i just find it very difficult that Buzzerbeater gives us useless information. Nowhere else in the game is information useless, there are no other examples of 'red-herrings'.... yer sure the game engine does my head in sometimes and tactically how a 6'3 C can consistently out-rebound a 7'3 guy doesn't make sense BUT,

basically there are no other examples in the game of such a blatent incorrect piece of info that are presented to us. A Strong OD is better than average. ALL THE TIME. not just sometimes. all the time. Proficient game shape is better than average game shape. the 2-3 zone vs LI is debateable, but its not like its a red-herring.

so yer.... whilst ive done the exercise myself, im still doubtful again this season that there is NO correlation.
so im going to collect some stats again this draft. box score vs end-skills. maybe there was something I missed last time?

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255193.11 in reply to 255193.10
Date: 2/26/2014 7:39:37 AM
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Second Team:
a very smart post. +1

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255193.13 in reply to 255193.12
Date: 2/27/2014 3:51:21 PM
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I like box scores because I can predict to some degree how aggressive a player is. They don't really change their "style of play". If a player gets 0-2 free throws he's probably not that aggressive. If he got to the line 5-6 times, he's probably more aggressive. I haven't taken stats on this over time, but I'd think that the number of free throws is pretty accurate.

The argument against free throws is the defender. I think the number of shots and the shot percentage is more predictive of the quality of defense.

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This Post:
255193.15 in reply to 255193.13
Date: 3/2/2014 5:53:17 PM
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Box scores are from one single variation can be huge.

If those box scores would be some kind of averages of the season, then those could be beneficial.

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255193.16 in reply to 255193.15
Date: 3/7/2014 4:11:53 AM
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I've noticed it generally gives a reasonable idea of the players "strongest" skills, box scores that is. It's not always 100% accurate, far from it but will give a fair idea. If the player gets off a bunch of assists and a few steals and not much else, his handling and passing are likely to be close if not his best attribues. Some of you could compile some results over a few seasons and see for yourself. I did this three seasons a couple of seasons back and it proved a decent indicator of their best skills. But and I reinterate, it will not determine or give a good indiction of the level of the skill. Example is I've had plenty of guys with 100% or close to it in FG% box score and had woeful shootings skills. Plus one guy with like 17 rebounds and only a rebounding of mediocre(though this was his joint highest skill). Anyways just my observations.
PS : I wouldn't bother with the guy and if your top, it would be better to invest them for next season like previous advice advocates. Good luck.

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