By 2-3 way I mean multi position training. I train on the slow build, the 23 year olds are at 73 and 66 tsp, I think I can get them kicking and dragging to near 90 and low 80's respectfully over the next couple of seasons. Now they will be raggedly looking scalawags, heavy on secondaries though I think I can drag the one who is lower on the totem pole to a pretty decent JS/JR. My method is very much on the fly, and who gets trained on what depends most weeks to how the minutes work out. The other guy will end up like Skinner, good HA DR and OD with a ok JS but hopefully a little better on the passing.
Plus he has decent inside skills for a guard so that makes up a bit for his still sluggish shooting.
But I am tempted to let it all ride on the new guy, went inside shot for c/pf this week and got him a pop to a nine. I think a concentrated effort will yield a player of real impact. As it is I have developed over the seasons a core of guys who have a solid array of skills and solid overall tsp while being very efficient salary wise. But they are a mercurial lot.
Last edited by Coach Lambini at 4/13/2018 6:53:37 PM