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BB Australia > Season 28 Cup

Season 28 Cup

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From: SN_13

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261340.70 in reply to 261340.69
Date: 8/9/2014 12:52:34 AM
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Don't worry, you can count on me to do that ;)

except im div 2, but same thing, right?

Last edited by SN_13 at 8/9/2014 12:53:20 AM

From: yodabig

This Post:
261340.71 in reply to 261340.70
Date: 8/9/2014 9:16:48 AM
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Foenix_Suns looked like the only team trying out there.

This is one thing I guarantee we wont be reading this week.

From: SN_13

This Post:
261340.72 in reply to 261340.71
Date: 8/9/2014 6:41:30 PM
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From: mllama

This Post:
261340.73 in reply to 261340.72
Date: 8/9/2014 10:00:52 PM
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He's bluffing! Go get him

This Post:
261340.74 in reply to 261340.63
Date: 8/10/2014 7:23:05 AM
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I reckon urmummas will have the best chance to win the Cup since he has the second salary. mllama is spot on, Sid would rather put his priority on the league title.

But of course Sid is hoping I would sell down, so he can sneak in the double this season =p
Take your pick Sid, the Cup or the ABBL? Foenix has made my decision for me already.

Well Koops is right, I obviously have no chance in the cup as I will be fully focused on beating Koops in the crossover game which is on the Saturday leading into All Star week.

So not including myself (as I have no chance), I have decided its time to frame a market on the other remaining teams

5 to 2 - Urmummas (Past winner who doesnt have to worry about wrecking any training plans)
3 to 1 - HSD, YPB
7 to 2 - Chumunga
5 to 1 - Goldfish (large overflowing bank vault & past winner)
7 to 1 - Chelsea Seagulls ("Bambi" - Would be an extremely popular winner and would have some cash)
8 to 1- Wombats (Along with Dire a past winner with vast experience)
12 to 1- BLS (Multiple past winner & legend)
14 to 1 - Ants, Vios,
20 to 1 - Koops (misuse of GM button)
25 to 1 - A Div II team (any one of them - excluding BLS)
250 to 1 - A Div III team (any one of them)

This Post:
261340.75 in reply to 261340.74
Date: 8/10/2014 8:05:48 AM
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20 to 1 - Koops (misuse of GM button)

errr.. Koops is out of the cup man. So, good odds on him!

and im gonna challange ur odds a bit. well more like provide input into them.

YPB is vs Sundae this week. Tough game

Urmummas, Ants, Vios, Wombats and Goldfish are all in Relegatory risk management at the moment. No one is obviously tanking except for WAIAD, so yer, makes their cup games secondary at some point.

Also - Just FYI, Relegatory is not a work apparently!

Last edited by Coach Regan at 8/10/2014 8:07:16 AM

This Post:
261340.76 in reply to 261340.75
Date: 8/10/2014 8:29:16 AM
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The Goldfish are tanking - they have a 300K roster.

Ants have a tankeresque roster atm with the sale of Scoggins. Whether they plan to stay that way, I'm not sure.

This Post:
261340.77 in reply to 261340.76
Date: 8/10/2014 8:44:33 AM
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ah ok. i have to admit, i looked at the ladder for about 5 seconds for my assessment on who was tanking or not.

This Post:
261340.78 in reply to 261340.74
Date: 8/10/2014 11:02:42 AM
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Lol 7-2 I ought to CT you for that!

From: Urmumma

This Post:
261340.79 in reply to 261340.78
Date: 8/10/2014 3:22:49 PM
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Lol 7-2 I ought to CT you for that!

do ittttttt

This Post:
261340.80 in reply to 261340.78
Date: 8/10/2014 7:15:15 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Lol 7-2 I ought to CT you for that!

What odds do you think you should be?
