Current standings and opponents left to play:
1. Srbija 5 0 562 421 141 Schweiz Belgium
2. Rossiya 4 1 580 526 54 Belgium Schweiz
3. Belgium 3 2 554 509 45 Rossiya Srbija
4. Schweiz 3 2 530 511 19 Srbija Rossiya
5. England 2 3 491 514 -23 Shqipëria Hrvatska
6. Hrvatska 2 3 501 529 -28 Sakartvelo England
7. Sakartvelo 1 4 539 626 -87 Hrvatska Shqipëria
8. Shqipëria 0 5 415 536 -121 England Sakartvelo
I'm an NT noob but from reading the rules what I understand is the 4 best 3rd place teams (or 4 best records of teams not in the top 2?) go into a consolation tournament. There's 5 teams in Europe on 4-1 who aren't in the top 2 so getting into that looks unlikely. Next two games are winnable though and with Belgium and the Swiss playing Russia and Serbia finishing 3rd
is possible. So we're hoping for Rus/Serb winning both games. It may not count for anything, but it'd look pretty good! Lots better than 5th.