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Deutschland - II.1 > Saison 47 - und so weiter...

Saison 47 - und so weiter...

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From: Duck
This Post:
300553.70 in reply to 300553.69
Date: 9/25/2019 2:59:15 AM
Dirty Ducks
Overall Posts Rated:
Day 12 (Tuesday 24 September 2019) : Performances by

Night results
Dortmunder Kaaskoppen 66 - Acid Bulldogs 79
Bärendorfer Ball Movement 109 - SV Sachsenring 111
Magic Mushrooms Hannover 41 - Olodum de Bahia 80
Asseln Hills Tigers 94 - vitaminballers 84
trupp 75 - Dirty Ducks 102
BBC Berlin 99 - SV Furpach 109
BigAl and the HornyBallers 107 - Nürnberg Falken 99
Monheim Tigers 110 - Hessisch Dynamite 105

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 111 : SV Sachsenring
Rebounds : 57 : Olodum de Bahia
Assists : 24 : Bärendorfer Ball Movement
Steals : 11 : Monheim Tigers
Block Shots : 13 : Magic Mushrooms Hannover

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 42 : J. Dunat (Hessisch Dynamite)
Rebounds : 23 : C. Camalva (Asseln Hills Tigers)
Assists : 7 : L. Belisario (Acid Bulldogs), M. Radeisen (Dirty Ducks)
Steals : 7 : F. Ingwersen (Monheim Tigers)
Block Shots : 4 : L. Belisario (Acid Bulldogs), J. Flores López (Magic Mushrooms Hannover), G. Giorgetta (Magic Mushrooms Hannover)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : C. Scherlowsky (Nürnberg Falken) (18 Points, 15 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 2 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 34
Shooting Guard : J. Dunat (Hessisch Dynamite) (42 Points, 6 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 29
Small Forward : H. Tewes (Asseln Hills Tigers) (30 Points, 6 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 29
Power Forward : O. Kleine-Ruse (Monheim Tigers) (34 Points, 11 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 42
Center : K. Elzem (Monheim Tigers) (23 Points, 15 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 36

MVP of the evening
O. Kleine-Ruse (Monheim Tigers) (34 Points, 11 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 42

The bad performance of the evening
C. Schabel-Pittracher (Magic Mushrooms Hannover) (19 Points, 2 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -14

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : R. Krenzler (Acid Bulldogs), J. Dunat (Hessisch Dynamite), K. Schaab (Hessisch Dynamite), T. Rollmann (trupp) : 5 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : J. Hellmeier (SV Sachsenring), H. Hald (vitaminballers), Z. Ken (Hessisch Dynamite), K. Schaab (Hessisch Dynamite) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : K. Elzem (Monheim Tigers), L. Reising (Nürnberg Falken), C. Scherlowsky (Nürnberg Falken), I. Kuderski (SV Sachsenring), G. Jaap (SV Sachsenring), F. Haotian (BigAl and the HornyBallers), M. Pampanin (Acid Bulldogs), L. Belisario (Acid Bulldogs), C. Schabel-Pittracher (Magic Mushrooms Hannover), L. Bors (Magic Mushrooms Hannover), K. Schaab (Hessisch Dynamite), S. Vaher (Dortmunder Kaaskoppen), E. Lembeck (Dortmunder Kaaskoppen), K. Dreyer (Dortmunder Kaaskoppen) : 48 Minutes

The shooter : J. Dunat (Hessisch Dynamite), B. Kahrs (trupp) : 5 Three points

The best performer : A. Cifuentes (Nürnberg Falken) : Rating : 20.5

The worst performer : R. Dernau (SV Furpach), R. Alevroyiannis (Acid Bulldogs), R. Zeiper (Dirty Ducks) : Rating : 8.0

From: Duck

To: Duck
This Post:
300553.71 in reply to 300553.70
Date: 9/29/2019 4:52:13 AM
Dirty Ducks
Overall Posts Rated:
Day 13 (Saturday 28 September 2019) : Performances by

Night results
SV Sachsenring 102 - Dortmunder Kaaskoppen 104
Olodum de Bahia 96 - Bärendorfer Ball Movement 107
vitaminballers 106 - Magic Mushrooms Hannover 101
Dirty Ducks 82 - Asseln Hills Tigers 69
SV Furpach 92 - trupp 79
Nürnberg Falken 103 - BBC Berlin 89
Hessisch Dynamite 96 - BigAl and the HornyBallers 115
Acid Bulldogs 69 - Monheim Tigers 90

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 115 : BigAl and the HornyBallers
Rebounds : 61 : Magic Mushrooms Hannover
Assists : 29 : Nürnberg Falken
Steals : 10 : Asseln Hills Tigers
Block Shots : 10 : Dirty Ducks

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 33 : Q. Baoyuan (Olodum de Bahia)
Rebounds : 23 : O. Gangemi (Magic Mushrooms Hannover)
Assists : 8 : E. Schaufler (SV Sachsenring), J. Flores López (Magic Mushrooms Hannover), F. Gehder (trupp)
Steals : 4 : A. Dutschke (Monheim Tigers), M. Radeisen (Dirty Ducks)
Block Shots : 4 : C. Kuchling (Dirty Ducks)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : F. Ingwersen (Monheim Tigers) (23 Points, 3 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 28
Shooting Guard : J. Dunat (Hessisch Dynamite) (28 Points, 4 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 25
Small Forward : J. Johnson (Bärendorfer Ball Movement) (22 Points, 7 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 25
Power Forward : Q. Baoyuan (Olodum de Bahia) (33 Points, 14 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 39
Center : O. Gangemi (Magic Mushrooms Hannover) (24 Points, 23 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 34

MVP of the evening
Q. Baoyuan (Olodum de Bahia) (33 Points, 14 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 39

The bad performance of the evening
H. Tewes (Asseln Hills Tigers) (15 Points, 2 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -4

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : R. Stephanitsch (Dirty Ducks) : 8 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : M. Autenzeller (Asseln Hills Tigers), D. Urban (Dortmunder Kaaskoppen) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : I. Kuderski (SV Sachsenring), H. Gailing (SV Sachsenring), J. Flores López (Magic Mushrooms Hannover), B. Nothberg (Magic Mushrooms Hannover), E. Boßdorf (Magic Mushrooms Hannover), E. Lembeck (Dortmunder Kaaskoppen) : 53 Minutes

The shooter : M. Hryniuk (BigAl and the HornyBallers) : 5 Three points

The best performer : J. Dunat (Hessisch Dynamite) : Rating : 18.0

The worst performer : R. Dernau (SV Furpach) : Rating : 5.0

From: stemmi

To: Duck
This Post:
300553.72 in reply to 300553.71
Date: 10/1/2019 3:03:21 PM
SV Furpach
Overall Posts Rated:
Pokal, Pokal wir holen den Pokal:)
wohl nicht,
jetzt kann die Losfee auch nicht mehr helfen

From: Duck

This Post:
300553.73 in reply to 300553.72
Date: 10/2/2019 1:38:10 AM
Dirty Ducks
Overall Posts Rated:
Das ist doch bloß ein Bundesligist, der schenkt eh ab - hol dir den Pott! :D

This Post:
300553.74 in reply to 300553.73
Date: 10/2/2019 5:20:15 AM
Asseln Hills Tigers
Overall Posts Rated:
setz du mal ruhig alles auf Sieg! :D

This Post:
300553.75 in reply to 300553.74
Date: 10/2/2019 6:30:06 AM
SV Furpach
Overall Posts Rated:
setz du mal ruhig alles auf Sieg! :D

Natürlich,. Heimspiel, Motivationsüberschuss, einmalige Gelegenheit ins Halbfinale und ich brauch jeden Cent Einnahme

This Post:
300553.76 in reply to 300553.75
Date: 10/5/2019 2:46:36 PM
Hessisch Dynamite
Overall Posts Rated:
Ich glaube ich sollte aufhören mit Trainieren, dann könnte mal wieder ein Sieg drin sein. Oder alle verkaufen und neu starten - oder ganz aufhören.

This Post:
300553.77 in reply to 300553.76
Date: 10/5/2019 2:49:08 PM
BBC Berlin
Overall Posts Rated:
Es kommen auch wieder einfachere Gegner ;)

This Post:
300553.78 in reply to 300553.77
Date: 10/5/2019 3:04:00 PM
Hessisch Dynamite
Overall Posts Rated:
Nee, hätte ich meine beste Formation unter Verzicht auf das Training aufgestellt, wäre das Spiel bestimmt anders ausgegangen. Diese Realitätsferne ist einfach Mist. Warum sollte man seinen besten Spieler auf PG nicht einsetzen, nur weil man sonst nicht trainieren kann? Völlig irreal. Klar, damit hat jeder zu kämpfen, aber irgendwie macht das keinen Spaß mehr.

From: Duck

This Post:
300553.79 in reply to 300553.78
Date: 10/5/2019 4:25:36 PM
Dirty Ducks
Overall Posts Rated:
Bei mir isses grad umgekehrt. Ich habe zwar gewonnen, aber der Trainee hat sich nach 31' ausgefoult. Jetzt kann ich schon wieder das Training umstellen, das nervt!

From: Duck

To: Duck
This Post:
300553.80 in reply to 300553.79
Date: 10/5/2019 4:38:46 PM
Dirty Ducks
Overall Posts Rated:
Day 14 (Saturday 5 October 2019) : Performances by

Night results
Dortmunder Kaaskoppen 85 - Olodum de Bahia 103
Bärendorfer Ball Movement 111 - vitaminballers 99
Magic Mushrooms Hannover 56 - Dirty Ducks 117
Asseln Hills Tigers 79 - SV Furpach 108
trupp 80 - Nürnberg Falken 105
BBC Berlin 105 - Hessisch Dynamite 98
BigAl and the HornyBallers 72 - Acid Bulldogs 84
Monheim Tigers 103 - SV Sachsenring 115

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 117 : Dirty Ducks
Rebounds : 60 : Olodum de Bahia
Assists : 29 : SV Sachsenring, Dirty Ducks
Steals : 10 : BigAl and the HornyBallers
Block Shots : 10 : Dirty Ducks

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 47 : L. Reising (Nürnberg Falken)
Rebounds : 21 : A. Longsawang (Olodum de Bahia)
Assists : 10 : J. Hellmeier (SV Sachsenring)
Steals : 4 : F. Haotian (BigAl and the HornyBallers)
Block Shots : 4 : S. Gletter (SV Furpach), C. Kuchling (Dirty Ducks)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : F. Zukowski (SV Furpach) (29 Points, 6 Rebounds, 8 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 34
Shooting Guard : P. Morend (Olodum de Bahia) (26 Points, 6 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 27
Small Forward : R. Marín Martínez (vitaminballers) (32 Points, 2 Rebounds, 7 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 25
Power Forward : R. Zeiper (Dirty Ducks) (36 Points, 12 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 0 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 47
Center : A. Longsawang (Olodum de Bahia) (31 Points, 21 Rebounds, 6 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 46

MVP of the evening
R. Zeiper (Dirty Ducks) (36 Points, 12 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 0 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 47

The bad performance of the evening
J. Huntley (Acid Bulldogs) (4 Points, 3 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 0 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -5

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : R. Mazzia (Acid Bulldogs) : 5 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : D. Ruhle (Nürnberg Falken), R. Stedingk (BigAl and the HornyBallers), H. Kamrani (vitaminballers), A. Küren (vitaminballers), V. Grúncharov (vitaminballers), Ž. Žakula (Magic Mushrooms Hannover), F. Bertok (Dirty Ducks), A. Chliaros (trupp) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : R. Marín Martínez (vitaminballers) : 53 Minutes

The shooter : G. Skunsmonas (BBC Berlin) : 10 Three points

The best performer : R. Stephanitsch (Dirty Ducks) : Rating : 19.5

The worst performer : R. Alevroyiannis (Acid Bulldogs) : Rating : 6.0
