Why? Short-term, long-term? Do you agree with me that the current staff and players market values are some 2-3 (200-300%) higher than 15 seasons ago? And that there is trend of increasing?
With such prices, there are several clear categories of teams:
1. extremely rich - those who have been on BB for more than 30 seasons and have been in First/Second Division of their countries for a long time
2. rich - teams like mine who had been on BB for more than 15 seasons and have been in First/Second Division of their countries for quite sometime
3. average - teams that have been around there for some 5-10 seasons, those are usually new managers who like the game, but are frustrated that it will take them more than 2-3 real life years to ever be prominent, among top 50 players (in countries with more than 200 users)
4. poor - fresh new teams who will have some chances of competing with the best in 4-5 real life years.
Do you really think that new managers stay for so long? In just few years, if no months, global number of users will drop below 10,000. And slow progress (due to system) is one of the key reasons for it IMO.
Last edited by AirWolf at 5/3/2018 1:56:01 PM