Yes, I think we lose the most in qulity of our guards. Spain and China have guards with TSP much more over 140 (include IS around 20). Look, even players like these:
(41693109) don't have place in Spanish NT roster. They are big BB communities with own tradition in training (for example every Chinese player are specific is easy to recognize on TL) where are people which love training and sacrifice results to train players.
Generally, we have also narrower choice and it also make difference. We still strrugle with bad game shape. Because of this some of key players can't play. Some players like Biliutavicius and Kutinas after retirement are diffiuclt to replace. They (Spaniard, Chinese, Italy) have a lot of tremendous players, and are able to easily replace them.
Anyway, our young players should give highest quality. They need only a bit of time yet.