I will give you a funny example: Do you remember Karate Kid? "Togli la cera, etc..."? And the kid learned new "skill"?
I know it's not a legitimate exampe, but trainers in various sports use all sorts of such "trainings" that at first glance don't have anything to do with the skill they want to train, but after a while the trainee gets better in it. I've seen a lot of this when I was training baseball (at amateur level) and some USA trainers held a camp in Slovenia. We were learning various skills through strange practices, but they worked.
Man have you seen Karate Kid?..in italian?..wtf!
So, for you Chris Paul can be a good blocker and inverse Dwight Howard can have good handling?..come on!
Your thought is good if improve the correlate skills(like before), maybe can increase the secondary skill improve and decrease the first(like now) but with sense, now is totally no-sense.
If i want my SG with a low level in Rebound because keeps a low salary, why should increase the salary for a pop that i don't need?
You understand?..it's simple :)