I don't know how you guys came to a conclusion that we don't care about our users. It is a very hurtful statement to make but an easy accusation to get away with, since there are delays, and since we haven't fixed them, it must mean that we don't care. You seem to ignore us when we say that we are doing everything we can to avoid delays, so I'm not going to repeat myself. Also, it's a complicated problem with no obvious solution. I've said that before too. We try to inform users whenever we can if there are delays too. We definitely care, it's the users who don't pay attention to what we are saying that feel the other way.
I dont believe you.
The problems are there for more than a year now and you are unable to solve them. I have no clue about coding, so I guess this might be hard to solve and its not your fault.
However I know what a business should do to keep their customers somewhat calm... In the meanwhile you could improve communication, that now consists of 1 tweet every couple months, some rare forum posts that most users probably never read and a news item posted roughly every two months. There where 2 BBs for communication (that did a horrible job btw.), what happened to them? If they are still doing their job, they better start doing their jog, nahmeen?
Give out a few days or even weeks of supporter, loyal supporters definitely deserve such a bonus or better said compensation.