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Analyzing Motion

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From: Sasho
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210204.72 in reply to 210204.11
Date: 3/4/2012 6:59:44 PM
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I use to play motion most of the time. but it dont have some effect.
well I think that there are some bugs in the game engine which doesn`t allow me to win with my tactics.
I can not imagine how team wit 6 players in total can beat me (I have long balanced bench).
Further if my opponent plays look inside and place any center to play as small forward my player has very bad statistic in that game. and also if team plays me 3-2 deffence my players are awful with scoring for 3 points no mather how bad player thay have agains them (eg. 7000 salary player can easily stop 70000 salary player).
So, I will not use this tactic any more

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210204.74 in reply to 210204.72
Date: 3/7/2012 2:32:37 AM
BG Samuraj
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Big win for motin:
Can you analyze?

This Post:
210204.75 in reply to 210204.69
Date: 3/7/2012 8:55:54 AM
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In last two weeks, I fiddled a lot with statistics of matchups, what methods to use, what results do I want to get out of research and so on. Private life interfered, normally, and delayed the analysis a bit, but it's moving a lot faster now.

I have partial results and I will publish them in upcoming days. In the meanwhile, I invite all who want to participate in the research (especially those that are listed there) to look at 2nd post of this thread, which is here:


As the post says, a team is "eligible" for research if it had at least five games that were not blowouts in either direction and had the same starting five for all those games. It would help me tremendously if those teams would send me the skills of their starting five players. Of course I wouldn't publish them. I will also send a BB mail to each of those teams with a request of skills.

I'm excited to start dissecting team after team and hopefully discover some things that weren't on anyone's radar before!

From: zvuk

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210204.76 in reply to 210204.75
Date: 3/7/2012 11:40:06 AM
Dalmatia Towars
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I would like to know one thing: how does PF fit into motion offense? I'm developing a strong jump shooting and driving PF and I would like to play motion with him. Will a player like that have a lot of shots in motion? I wouldn't like to waste seasons of outside training on a player who doesn't shoot...
I've played a lot of motion last seasons with great SG and SF and it worked beautifuly, but my solid shooting(no driving) PF didn't have many shots...Can you please tell me, when your study is done, can I expect this great shooting driving PF to be a scorer in motion offense for me?

P.S. I think your study will be great and thank you for sharing it with us

From: Bballin

To: zvuk
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210204.77 in reply to 210204.76
Date: 3/7/2012 12:28:48 PM
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A PF like that could perform well in a Princeton offense.

From: CrazyEye

To: zvuk
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210204.78 in reply to 210204.76
Date: 3/7/2012 1:19:35 PM
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i personally make good experience with good shooting PF(give him a little range), even with two shooting and passing big i experienced troubles with playing princeton so that wouldn't be my first choiche.

This Post:
210204.80 in reply to 210204.79
Date: 3/7/2012 3:40:16 PM
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my garbage destroyed the BB :P

This Post:
210204.81 in reply to 210204.80
Date: 3/7/2012 4:28:57 PM
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It's far from garbage. You have three players that have bigger salary than his most expensive player. A really nice win though.

From: zvuk

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210204.82 in reply to 210204.78
Date: 3/7/2012 5:26:09 PM
Dalmatia Towars
Overall Posts Rated:
i personally make good experience with good shooting PF(give him a little range), even with two shooting and passing big i experienced troubles with playing princeton so that wouldn't be my first choiche.

hm...i think you're right, range must be the key...i wasn't thinking princeton it's too outside oriented and i don't have dwight howard in the middle :-) ...motion isn't so much all outside shooting, if you have good driving players, you will have a well balanced game...i just wasn't sure about the pf (both scoring bigs is too much for me).

by the way, who in the real world plays motion? OKC thunder? boston celtics?
