For decades, the scientists are debating whether or not teleporting instantly from one place to another is possible. Little did they know that a basketball player from Australia, currently residing in Serbia, made some astonishing discoveries. A few days ago, he finally decided to test the machine he designed. Here's what happened:
Jordan Elleman
(10547478) was a starter in one of the Lietuva II.1 league
(59476396) games. The game started at 4:30 pm, CET. As you can see, the game lasted 96 minutes. However, he was also one of the subs for Revan utd, in
(59517182), that started @ 6pm. Nobody knows how he got so fast from Lithuania. Historians immediately remembered that a similar thing occurred in late XVI century Some scientists speculate that perhaps Elleman has a clone...
Last edited by Qaaph Zyld at 6/17/2013 9:12:57 PM