my argument is not directed at you. It's directed primarily at newer users that are placed in D4 and D5 and don't understand the economics of the game.
I understand that. I've been playing for quite a while now and I've seen loads of users rent players with huge skills for short periods of time. Quite a few end up in dire straights over it, and some get lucky.
What I said earlier still stands. It would be difficult to find an algorithm to distinguish between a team that is smart enough to know what they're doing and someone who just doesn't know.
My opinion is to get rid of the rent-a-player tactic somehow. That would fix it quick smart.
There are already good measures in place to limit rent-a-player. You buy a player at 100%, have to keep him for at least 1 week paying his salary then when you go to sell him a week or 3 later you only get 80-83% of the commission. I think this is a good measure to limit but not eliminate rent-a-players. It's usually an expensive, money losing proposition. One more measure I would likely endorse is moving the transfer deadline back about 1-2 weeks so that you can't add a guy just in time for the 1st playoff game. Then teams would have to pay these salaries for a longer period increasing the penalty.
But I don't really think finding the right algorithm to work here would be difficult, they've already got them in place for the rest of our economy. Make money? Go ahead and buy expensive players. Dont' make money? Sorry, you'll have to wait until you do.
I'm actually surprised that you're on the other side of this argument here, I noticed that you added your 2 high salaried players after you won D3 and that your highest salary on that team was $41000. Obviously you get the end goal here and understand that you don't need to buy 1 expensive stud to promote through divisions. ;)
Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 8/29/2012 1:03:28 PM