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Season 26 Feedback Topic (thread closed)

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252782.73 in reply to 252782.72
Date: 12/29/2013 11:52:04 PM
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Second Team:
Some specific questions answered:
- Any drop in Vet's salary doesn't count in training exception. Of course when his salary will go down it will be also deducted from the Total expenses in the category of the player salaries. From the news post: "This applies only to the salary your players have when they are acquired" This is not applied in case a old player (veteran) actually decreases his salary. Remember, we only count the increases, not the decreases. More about that in the examples below.
- The weekly increase in Staff's salaries is added to the Total Expenses and you are not getting any exemption for this. The training exemption only counts players, not staff.
- If you trained a player from 5k to 80k, sold him, bought him back seasons later the difference in salary will not be added to your training exemption.
- If you trained a player from 5k to 80k, keep him till he's 34 when he drops a couple skills. His salary is now 60k. The training exception will always count the difference between his current salary and the salary he had when he has been acquired. That means that at the moment when his salary is 80k, the training exception is 75k and when his salary drops to 60k the training exception is 55k.
- It's disclosed that Overextension Tax is not applied on the first week of every season. What we mean by saying first week is not the offseason week, but the week after that. To make it simpler, you do not pay Overextension tax on the first Sunday/Monday economy update after the first new season's game. Only after 3 match days of the new season has everyone had at least one home game and that's why we don't apply it right away.
- Total Revenue, as we explained above, the Attendance is included. That means that we need at least one home game in order to get the Attendance income. Afterwards, we will always take into account the last Attendance income even if you had 2 away games that week.

Here's the question that's probably the most important:
"If I buy a player in the last week of the season, and his salary is 15 000 $, for example. But he has increased his skills with the training during the season, and his real salary is 45 000 $ when I buy him. Does the luxury tax take the real salary (45 000 $) or the salary in the file player (15 000 $)?"
The tax will take into account the calculated salary based on his current skills at the moment of the transfer, which is $45k or as you call it, his real salary. After the offseason and the salary update, his visible salary will rise up to $45k in the Total expenses, so the training exception will not be raised. If you then continued to train that player without selling him, and his salary is then raised to 100k on the next season update, you will get a training exemption of $55k ($100k - $45k).

I must admit Nikos prepared most of these; questions and answers both. I only added some clarification and corrections where they were due. Thanks Nikos for bringing it up to my attention and thank you everyone else for asking these questions calmly and patiently.

Last edited by BB-Marin at 12/29/2013 11:52:41 PM

This Post:
252782.74 in reply to 252782.73
Date: 12/30/2013 3:19:41 AM
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Thank you very much for clarifications. Now I lost my potential business case to train players for one season and sell them in the end so that others would get training exemption. And I think your solution is fair and good! Only own training counts into exemption!

This Post:
252782.75 in reply to 252782.73
Date: 12/30/2013 3:45:45 AM
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thanks for this clarification - which seems very well fashioned to me.

i just have two questions left:
does a draft pick get his first salary counted and is the Training given to him just put in the Training exception (which i would regard as Logical) or does the whole salary Count as a Training exception?

for example:

I draft a Player with 3k salary. He is trained so that his salary based on his skills is 4k.

a) do we get a Training exception for the 3k when the Player is drafted?
b) when he is trained, do we get 1k Training exception or 4 k?

regarding the maximal salary: does this only involve Players who can be bought or also trained Players?
for example:
if your Maximum salary is 100k and you Train a draftee to 102k will he be put on the Transfer list immediately?

thanks for clarification.

This Post:
252782.76 in reply to 252782.75
Date: 12/30/2013 4:25:42 AM
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To answer your second question:
(11898463) Marko Tieg has been bought by a team at rank 27199 (last season). His salary is 252k and he is still with the team. So I'm quite sure that this max-salary only applies in the moment you try to buy a player.

Last edited by LA-Karangula at 12/30/2013 4:29:24 AM

This Post:
252782.77 in reply to 252782.69
Date: 12/30/2013 5:09:20 AM
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I am the godfather of the well rounded player. No love for the.monoskiller here.

But if I had huge savings that will be burnt in a campaign, I would rather consume the high excemption than overspend for one single player.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
This Post:
252782.78 in reply to 252782.75
Date: 12/30/2013 7:15:32 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
thanks for this clarification - which seems very well fashioned to me.

i just have two questions left:
does a draft pick get his first salary counted and is the Training given to him just put in the Training exception (which i would regard as Logical) or does the whole salary Count as a Training exception?

for example:

I draft a Player with 3k salary. He is trained so that his salary based on his skills is 4k.

a) do we get a Training exception for the 3k when the Player is drafted?
b) when he is trained, do we get 1k Training exception or 4 k?

regarding the maximal salary: does this only involve Players who can be bought or also trained Players?
for example:
if your Maximum salary is 100k and you Train a draftee to 102k will he be put on the Transfer list immediately?

thanks for clarification.

1.a) No. You have not trained him up to his 3k salary, you acquired (drafted) him at that level.
1.b) 1k.
2. No forced transfers will be applied. However, if someone lists a player that he cannot buy back, it's his own problem.

This Post:
252782.79 in reply to 252782.78
Date: 12/30/2013 8:20:01 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
thanks for the Explanation.

This Post:
252782.80 in reply to 252782.73
Date: 12/30/2013 8:45:59 AM
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Hi Marin,

this was the most interesting comment to me:

The tax will take into account the calculated salary based on his current skills at the moment of the transfer,

So the same applies to max salary you can buy? If a D.IV can buy players with max salary 50k, can he buy a 40k player whose real salary is 60k because of training? Following your logic, he cannot. But if he's a bit new to this, he may get confused.

Other than that, I'm very impressed with the job you and others have done. Thanks!

This Post:
252782.81 in reply to 252782.80
Date: 12/30/2013 9:14:23 AM
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Following their logic, I conclude differently.

The general idea didn't bother with real salary. But since training is hard, and one of the goals of the new tax was to reward training, they didn't want to let teams abuse the system. That's why they calculate real salary when it comes to tax.

This Post:
252782.82 in reply to 252782.81
Date: 12/30/2013 9:27:09 AM
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It has one more importent thing. I suppose that if i train my players during the season my training exception will increase too!

This Post:
252782.83 in reply to 252782.82
Date: 12/30/2013 9:45:54 AM
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Good point! But I don't think so, since, well, you're not paying that salary anyway :) Real salary calculation, during the purchase, is probably an exception, to prevent system abuse.

But yeah, we need definite answers from BBs on these two questions.

1. Does the salary limit take real salary into account?
2. Does the exception grow weekly?

Last edited by Aleksandar at 12/30/2013 9:47:04 AM
