SO much time has passed since bb started its downfall that its too late now.
You cant see something failing and just igonre it and think everything will be alright.
Changes had to be made long time ago,yet still one of the most basic parts of this game STILL has not been improved.
Altough i do believe advertising is the most important reason,like somebody says bb doesnt even show up on google,they probably stopped advertising years ago.I was here around season 12 or 14 and i remember seeing bb on google,you could search online basketball game and it would pop up first,now its nowhere.
But as i said,even for advertising now its too late,you are gonna advertise a bad product you arent gonna attract people.
Fix foundamentals of the game,fix the website,get a mobile app,start advertising,in that order.
....but its never gonna happen....not even ONE of these things.