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Training Speed Analysis (thread closed)

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From: Shoei
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381.754 in reply to 381.752
Date: 09/19/2008 04:21:58
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im going to share this after 3 weeks on OD training my 22 yr old PG just had a pop.

my 21 yr old sg training also had 3 weeks before popping

this is tough, im wasting much time damn! i dont think i can reach the 5 sensational status by the end or mid of next season

This Post:
381.755 in reply to 381.657
Date: 09/19/2008 05:14:07
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Jump Shot

Trains JS @ 2-3 weeks
Trains JR @ 7-8 weeks
Trains DV @ 7-8 weeks
Trains HN @ 7-8 weeks

In Italy conference, expert users say that Jump Shot trains IS in wingmen too.

Anyone can confirm that ?

I confirm that. Got pops in IS when training JS for wings a week ago.

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This Post:
381.757 in reply to 381.755
Date: 09/20/2008 11:10:04
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Hi, do we know more, considering a trainer level 10 and 48+minutes played

Outside Shooting
Trains JS @ ?
Trains JR @ ?
Trains DV @ ?

Trains JS @ ?
Trains JR @ ?
Trains DV @ ?

Trains JS @ ?
Trains JR @ ?
Trains DV @ ?

From: Vladymir

This Post:
381.758 in reply to 381.1
Date: 09/26/2008 05:55:34
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something about this: From BBDomenico, "I've been inspecting our code, and we don't have osmosis training."

today my C/PF trained inside shooting. well, one of my players that didnt play a minute in those positions changed inside defense 3 to 4.

He is the player:
Diego Salinas Rojas (4546125)

Why did he get a level up??


team: action direct

From: Huzzel

This Post:
381.759 in reply to 381.758
Date: 09/26/2008 06:28:30
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i have observed same thing 2 seasons ago. No minutes were shown in the "weekly stats". However after looking through all my games I found out that my player played less than 30seconds on training position. 20 seconds or something, it was not shown in the " weekly stats" cause they are showing only complete minutes, but those few seconds were counted for training minutes.

look into your games you will probably find your player playing 20sec. or somethin on PF/C

This Post:
381.761 in reply to 381.11
Date: 09/27/2008 03:29:41
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Anyone got data on Wingmen for Outside Shooting?

From: bulluk
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381.762 in reply to 381.761
Date: 09/27/2008 15:58:12
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I don't have data on wingmen for outisde shooting but I have some data on Jump Shot training...
So this friday I had little surprise - my 18y trainee has improved JS second time in row. And actually it was his 3rd pomp in 4 weeks of training... I can imagine that he was very close before first pomp in 1st week but anyway, it suggest that it is possible that he gets JS, in the worst case, every 2 weeks. I see the explanation in that he is young, of course ;), and maybe that he has JR higher (now just 1 level but at the begining it was almost 4- he improved in JR also in 1st week), but on the other hand it is training for 2 positions - Wingmen...

This Post:
381.763 in reply to 381.762
Date: 09/27/2008 20:10:14
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on the other hand it is training for 2 positions - Wingmen...

You can't train JS for one position.

"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
This Post:
381.764 in reply to 381.763
Date: 09/28/2008 03:49:00
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You can't train JS for one position.

yeah u are right ;) anyway, I was surprised ;)
