A weakest team should always pick higher than the strongest team. Academys remove the advantage, unless the academy pool get's inserted in the draft. This would be ok as everyone can get your molded player.
normally order of the strength in the league, which the draft is about balancing out:
top group: 2-3 top team, and the relegated team(two-three get crappy picks, one get a genious one)
upper lower group: get a fair picker, sometimes something useful but in a fair relation to there strength
lower average group: also get fair chanches related to the other groups
weakest group: 2-3 team who stayed in league + newly protoed team. Some get quite early pick, other get the worst.
Is that really somekind of balancing?
That's where we have completely different views. You want a team that promotes (was the strongest team in his league) to receive the first draft pick in addition to his promotion bonus. How is that helping against tanking. If I get a great draftee and know I have slight chances to win, I will just rack up money and train that draft pick the whole season. If I relegate and receive that draftee, I can't just throw the season to train him, as I need to compete to get back up. See the difference?
i trained 18 yo even in a harder enviroment without throwing a season, i often selled quite useful draft pick which helps my team also. But with the new merch rules, tanking is the oppurtunity to catch up in the merchandise area ;) And managing towards succes.