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From: eziic

This Post:
243331.76 in reply to 243331.75
Date: 7/17/2013 3:42:26 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Saņemies, CT dara brīnumus. :D

From: tomats
This Post:
243331.77 in reply to 243331.1
Date: 7/18/2013 12:15:11 PM
Overall Posts Rated:

This Post:
243331.78 in reply to 243331.77
Date: 7/18/2013 1:14:22 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
njaa.. un interesanti ir tas, ka mums abiem šī jau ir 22. sezona BB, bet tā bija mūsu pirmā tikšanās kausā.. BET KĀDA..

un kā man viens cilvēks teica: ''bez šneidera tev pasākums būtu beidzies jau puslaikā''
Reāli čalis visu spēli izvilka.. neteikšu, ka priekš centra 40 minūtēs savākt 6 atl. bumbas ir dižais sasniegums, bet iemest 15/16 metieniem ir vnk nereāli. Tavs jaunpirkums defā bija 0

From: venture
This Post:
243331.79 in reply to 243331.78
Date: 7/20/2013 8:56:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Laikam ir pienācis laiks pārveidot komandu.
Drīzumā visā komandā būs pieejama pārdošanā. Beteris arī. Ja kādam ir interese rakstiet privāti.

From: Malij

This Post:
243331.80 in reply to 243331.74
Date: 7/23/2013 12:25:28 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Nu,baidities lačus,to var vel saprast,bet ta tricet no ežiem kaut ka parsteidz:D

max. WR:5 Jumtu rauj nost…
From: Tucis

This Post:
243331.81 in reply to 243331.80
Date: 7/23/2013 2:12:46 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
nu es to saucu vienkārši: nesalikt sastāvu ;)

From: Malij
This Post:
243331.82 in reply to 243331.80
Date: 8/1/2013 8:28:45 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Laikam man ari spele mazliet apnika:(
Pat nepamaniju,ka All Stars jau nospeleta...

max. WR:5 Jumtu rauj nost…
From: Tucis

This Post:
243331.83 in reply to 243331.82
Date: 8/1/2013 11:33:04 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
nez. es nekad īsti all star nepamanu... neinteresē itnemaz..

From: Mod-Turix

This Post:
243331.84 in reply to 243331.83
Date: 8/1/2013 4:08:04 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
nez. es nekad īsti all star nepamanu... neinteresē itnemaz..

nez, man jau patika, ka big8 starta 5niekā bija četri manējie un tas, ka beigās uzvara ar+46 , kas manuprāt ir lielākā sagrāve VL all-star spēļu vēsturē :)

This Post:
243331.85 in reply to 243331.84
Date: 8/24/2013 7:06:38 AM
BC kipucis
Overall Posts Rated:
Season 24 : Performances (by

Best collective performance of the season
Points : 2065 : BC Sado pa mazo
Rebounds : 1094 : BC Sado pa mazo
Assists : 508 : BC Sado pa mazo
Steals : 148 : Sausiņi
Block Shots : 132 : BC Mindfvck Knights

Personal best performances of the season
Points : 79 : C. Garrido (BC Mindfvck Knights)
Rebounds : 29 : M. Żukowski (PokersBk), R. Ruisendaal (BC Sado pa mazo)
Assists : 15 : V. Vižlenskas (BK " BAUSKA"), G. Branchitta (saulesstarinsh), S. Yulin (BC Mindfvck Knights)
Steals : 7 : T. Skalbe (BK " BAUSKA"), R. Gigulis (Eži)
Block Shots : 8 : S. bin Awang (PokersBk)

Top 5 of the season
Point Guard : E. Bardanovskis (Broken Roses) (38.5 Points, 12 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 1.5 Steals, 0.5 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 37.5
Shooting Guard : L. Alecu (Laachi) (18 Points, 4.5 Rebounds, 8.5 Assists, 2 Steals, 0.5 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 26.5
Small Forward : E. Bardanovskis (BC Sado pa mazo) (73.5 Points, 33.5 Rebounds, 14.5 Assists, 8 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 95
Power Forward : M. Lüderitz (rtfg) (27 Points, 16.4 Rebounds, 2.6 Assists, 1.6 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 35.4
Center : D. Dunsks (Imanta Ballers) (215 Points, 174 Rebounds, 24 Assists, 5 Steals, 19 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 343

MVP of the season
D. Dunsks (Imanta Ballers) (215 Points, 174 Rebounds, 24 Assists, 5 Steals, 19 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 343

The bad performance of the season
A. Brenšmits (BK " BAUSKA") (24 Points, 5 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -21

Triple-Double of the season
J. Kalupnieks (CLUB Purvs) (25 Points, 14 Rebounds, 12 Assists, 1 Steals, 3 Block Shots), M. Żukowski (PokersBk) (26 Points, 29 Rebounds, 11 Assists, 5 Steals, 1 Block Shots), K. Irbitis (BC Sado pa mazo) (32 Points, 14 Rebounds, 12 Assists, 6 Steals, 5 Block Shots), B. Yalduz (Sausiņi) (11 Points, 11 Rebounds, 10 Assists, 3 Steals, 1 Block Shots), R. Gigulis (Eži) (18 Points, 11 Rebounds, 10 Assists, 4 Steals, 2 Block Shots), R. Tokat (Eži) (22 Points, 11 Rebounds, 13 Assists, 2 Steals, 2 Block Shots), T. Barone (Eži) (12 Points, 11 Rebounds, 10 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots), X. Enwei (Rigas Warriors) (34 Points, 20 Rebounds, 11 Assists, 4 Steals, 2 Block Shots)

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens during the season : G. Kiploks (Laachi) : 50 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees during the season : S. bin Awang (PokersBk) : 89 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man of the season : A. Kapracis (Lāči) : 772 Minutes

The shooter of the season : F. Arciszewski (Valmieras Zibeņi) : 41 Three points

The best performer of the season : R. Ruisendaal (BC Sado pa mazo) : Rating : 22.0

The worst performer of the season : K. Zvina (Valmieras Zibeņi) : Rating : 0.5

From: Versis
This Post:
243331.86 in reply to 243331.85
Date: 8/31/2013 12:10:34 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Baigā mafija izveidojusies V-līgā
Esmu pārliecināts, ka drīz izveidosies 2ā mafija, tad gan būs kaujas :)
