Ce n'est juste qu'après le coup d'envoi que j'ai eu vent que la Serbie avait bien joué CT, mais un mensonge polonais s'était perdu en chemin.
Polish what??? I have never talked with you about game with Serbia. I have never talked about game with Serbia with somebody from France. I have never write about this game officially. So how can you accuse me of lying? You, I mean you, French guys, maybe somebody else...I even don't know who exactly it could be...had informal informations from whom (3rd or 4th hands)?, not confirmed but you spreaded them as 100% sure...and you talk about lying now...lol. This is frivolous:-) This is even good that this informal info wasn't true because it shouldn't ever got to you and be spreaded.
Congrats to Serbia. Great result!