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Look Inside tactic STILL far too dominant!

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245985.77 in reply to 245985.76
Date: 8/4/2013 6:15:48 PM
Spartan 300
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Second Team:
Spartan Kids
BO? Bad joke. Maybe in your IV division..

This is where we hold them!
This Post:
245985.78 in reply to 245985.77
Date: 8/5/2013 1:30:43 PM
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Maybe in your IV division..

I think that's exactly his point :)

This Post:
245985.81 in reply to 245985.73
Date: 8/6/2013 11:59:52 PM
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He had better inside defense, with good outside defense. Which is point I was making of beforewhen I said alot of team don't have good inside defense..

I think good inside defense with guards and every player on a team along with good outside defense can beat LI ,along with great out side shooting and 3-2 zone or m2m

He took away the outside scoring and inside scoring. which is shown in the 3pts misses by your big men and he took less shots but effective ones. I won versus lI today as well and I had better inside defense than my opponent, My guards have inside defense with outside defense in upper10s+.. I think this a remedy of sorts, right now im training my guards in sb/inside defense. Its working so far in some games.

Only time will tell if this is effective overall.

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245985.82 in reply to 245985.10
Date: 8/10/2013 3:40:09 PM
white snake
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Second Team:
Black Forest Boars
Well, i can tell you for a fact that my center has almost SB as high as his IS, and it isn't helping one bit ! Go figure !

I have to disagree. My player Sutherland has SB 17 and he dominates his opponents. I checked the league games and his defensive numbers:
137 actions against him
- 104 were successfully stopped by Sutherland
- 48 from this 104 were Shot blocks
- 33 were failures
- out of this 33 there were only 9 shooting fouls.

to sum up:
he stopped almost 76% of all actions against him (so opponent bigs have a FG% of 24% if Sutherland defends them). his SB % is at 35% (48 SB out of 137). and his shooting foul % is at 6.5%.

My german trainee Haek isn't that far yet. But his OD+ID+SB is at 37 atm. Still increasing. His numbers are 72% successful stopped (79 out of 110); 26 blocks and only 4 shooting fouls. and he's playing against 40k+ salary big guys with his 7k salary.

it takes time to train the right guys. but it's already possible to stop LI teams.

small update after 16 games.

194 actions against him
- 147 were successful stopped
- 70 from this 147 were blocks
- 50 were failures
- 12 of this 50 were shooting fouls

stopped almost 76% (same like last time). SB% at 36% (1% more than last time). shppting foul % at 6.19%
so almost the same percentages.

133 actions ageinst him
- 98 were succesful stopped
- 33 out of 98 were blocks
- 35 failures
- 6 from 35 were shooting fouls

stopped almost 74% (+2%). SB% at 24.8% and shooting foul % at 4.5%.

another point about Haek: he finished 8 of 16 games with a Def% of 100%. His opponents scored only when they had no defender or someone else defended them.

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245985.83 in reply to 245985.82
Date: 8/11/2013 3:55:58 PM
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Those numbers are interesting. Would you be able to contrast those with a player in a similar setting without the shotblocking?

This Post:
245985.84 in reply to 245985.83
Date: 8/15/2013 10:11:32 AM
white snake
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Black Forest Boars
I will try.

I compared two other players. One is from my team, the other one from a team in my league.

My player: Michaël Bourgeois (13378443)
The other one: Dmitrijus Minkauskas (10863370)

I compared only their OD, ID ans SB. They have the same OD (1) and almost the same ID (13 and 12). The main difference is their SB. Bourgeois has 13 and Minkauskas 3.

Both played 16 games as a PF/C against the same teams.
The results:

51 actions against him
- 36 stopped
- 16 blocks
- 15 failures
- out of these 15 failures there was only 1 shooting foul.

Def%: 70.59%
SB%: 31.37%
shooting foul%: 1.96%

83 actions against him
- 43 stopped
- 3 blocks
- 40 failures
- out of these 40 failures there were 11 shooting fouls

Def%: 51.81%
SB%: 3.61%
shooting foul%: 13.25%

This Post:
245985.85 in reply to 245985.84
Date: 8/15/2013 10:37:24 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
That sums it up.

From: Messina

This Post:
245985.86 in reply to 245985.3
Date: 8/15/2013 2:02:18 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Delete LI? Do you want more variety? So...

From: jonte

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245985.87 in reply to 245985.84
Date: 8/15/2013 3:27:46 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
nice work. could you also share the offensive and defensive Statistics of both teams from buzzer-manager? that would help to see them in context
