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BB Türkiye > A Milli Takım / NT

A Milli Takım / NT

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From: kiku

This Post:
316276.77 in reply to 316276.76
Date: 4/17/2023 3:24:18 AM
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Despite the GS, we almost won the game. I am very sorry that we lost this important match. I hope GS's will be better now and it will not be a factor that makes our job difficult. Good luck in the next round. (y)

This Post:
316276.78 in reply to 316276.76
Date: 4/24/2023 7:12:10 AM
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Second Team:
Venezuela vs Türkiye 70-96 (69193)

In round 32, all 16 nations that had home-court advantage won their games, including us. Venezuela chose not to play crunch-time, so it turned out to be an easy game for us.

Today, we are playing against Bulgaria, led by on the of the best BB managers - mink0ff, who won B3 two times with his previous club BC Vitosha Sofia, and is now trying to attain glory for his national team as well.

At the start of the Tournament, I've mentioned Bulgaria as one of the strongest nations in the competition, and I wasn't wrong. Their squad is quite young, so they haven't yet reached their peak, but I'm expecting that they'll fight for medals within the next few seasons.

They will be the favorites since they have home-court advantage, so it's possible that this will be my last official game as Türkiye's coach, but hopefully not.

18:30 Türkiye vs Bulgaria

This Post:
316276.81 in reply to 316276.80
Date: 4/24/2023 5:01:42 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Türkiye vs Bulgaria 83-71 (69244)

The game shape of our key players was really good this week, and the outcome was that even with gdp missed, we beat Bulgaria on their home court.

In one of our friendly matches against Serbia, our 2-3 zone proved to be extremely strong against inside tactics (67822). My goal was to have 2-3 zone as a hidden weapon for matches like this, and it worked. I was more afraid of their neutral tactics, with which they beat Portugal (68683) & Uruguay (69192), but they chose to play inside, and our 2-3 zone did the job.

In an incredible turnaround of events, only Romania and us remain as the candidates for hosting the European Championship next season.

Serbia, Russia, Slovenia, Portugal, Letonia and Bosnia, all lost their matches in this round. In other words, we suddenly became the main candidate to host the European Championship.

Quarter finals are:

**Suomi (8) - **France (1)
Türkiye (13) – Colombia (12)
**Belgium (2) – **Lietuva (7)
România (14) – Brasil (11)/México (6)

@Captain K
A question to you. Except France, Belgium, Lithuania and Finland there are only 2 European teams are on their way: Us and Romania. Let's say if France wins the tournament, who will host the next championship next season? A better ranking team -it's Bosna and Herzegovina or the country who goes further?

If the answer is the second one and if us and Romania loses in the next round or if we win and Romania loses, we will host. Right?

Whoever goes further will host the championship next season. In other words, if both Romania and us lose in the same round, we would still host the next championship (since we were better placed than them). I'll double check it with the BBs, but I'm pretty sure that's the case.

Speaking for myself, I want you to stay if you are interested as well. I don't know if it's your final decision or not and the reason behind that but i hope you reconsider continuing.

Thank you for your support and kind words, but there's probably 80% chance that I won't be the candidate again in the next elections, even if we host the next championship. The main reason doesn't have anything to do with bb.

At the beginning of the year, I was diagnosed with some uncommon eye disease, and while it's not super serious, I'm not able to spend much time looking at a PC screen. A NT coach should be able to send hundreds of bb-mails each season over training, but I'm simply not able to do that right now. So I think it's better for the community if someone replaces me.

This Post:
316276.83 in reply to 316276.82
Date: 4/26/2023 5:24:46 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hope to hear good news from you, get well soon coach!

This Post:
316276.85 in reply to 316276.81
Date: 4/26/2023 7:20:00 PM
Artvin Belediye
Overall Posts Rated:
I'm sorry to hear your health issue. Get well soon coach. Your health is the most important thing.
Meanwhile, I appreciate your coaching, I am also very pleased with the interest you have shown in the national team. At the end of the day, I hope you are gonna recuperate and make the best decision about NT.

mamba mentality
This Post:
316276.86 in reply to 316276.85
Date: 5/1/2023 11:25:53 AM
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Second Team:
This night, we'll be playing against Colombia, the country which will host the American Tournament next season.

CM-Alonso confirmed to me that Türkiye or Romania will host the European Tournament next season, so this night will be decisive. While we're traveling to Colombia, Romania is traveling to Mexico.

If Romania loses, and we win, we'll be the host.
If both of us lose, we'll still be the host.
If both of us win, than next week will decide who is the host.
And if we lose, and Romania wins, Romania will be the host.

So we're in a good position. And even though Colombia has the home-court advantage, I think we'll be the slight favorites since we should have higher enthusiasm than them.

Also, thanks to everyone for the support, I appreciate it. But my condition isn't as serious as it may sound. I just have trouble looking at artificial lights (monitor, tv, phone, etc.), but other than that, it's all good.

02:30 Türkiye vs Colombia

This Post:
316276.87 in reply to 316276.86
Date: 5/2/2023 7:24:17 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Türkiye vs Colombia 110-91 (69303)

Easy victory because they thought we were gonna play outside. Oluk got injured in at the beginning of the game, which caused some weird rotations inside, but other than that, everything else went well for us.

Now, we are one step closer to host the European Tournament, but we're not quite there yet, because Romania also won their match against Mexico (69305). In the other quarterfinals, France won against Finland (69302), and Belgium won against Lithuania (69304). So the semi-finals are:

Türkiye (13) - **France (1)
România (14) - **Belgium (2)

Honestly, it would take a miracle for either Romania or us to win the next match, cause we've both spend a lot of enthusiasm to get to the semi-final. Romania played normal against Philippines, crunch time against Russia, and crunch time against Mexico. So their enthusiasm is about 3. Our enthusiasm isn't that bad, but we still probably have much lower enthusiasm than France.

Realistically, France & Belgium will win next Monday, and Türkiye will get to host the European Tournament. But of course, we'll try to somehow win against France, even though it's unlikely.
