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Suggestions > Minor suggestions 3

Minor suggestions 3 (thread closed)

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From: Zenith
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273519.774 in reply to 273519.1
Date: 2/3/2019 6:17:16 PM
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We get a new Hall Of Fame spot every 2 season as supporters, may we also get the opportunity to REMOVE a hall-of-famer like, every 4-5 seasons? In real life there are occasions when people commit unethical things and get removed by their local halls-of-fame.

In terms of BB, well, I just hope to have a chance to remove a player that didn't do much but I accidentally added into my HoF. TBH, the HoF and bookmarks are two of my biggest reasons to keep paying for supporters.

From: JuMax

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273519.778 in reply to 273519.754
Date: 5/6/2019 11:00:17 AM
Sallenôves GOATS
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Sallenôves GOATS II

From: Apex
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273519.779 in reply to 273519.778
Date: 5/17/2019 1:29:48 PM
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Change the site to only https, please. As someone who knows software security, http addresses are outdated and the change isn't that hard to make. I don't understand why this hasn't been implemented yet and an explanation would be great

2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.
From: ig
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273519.780 in reply to 273519.779
Date: 5/18/2019 9:07:38 AM
Jerusalem TET
Ligat Ha'al
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Jerusalem TET Utopia
How about addind an option to not enter a garbage time in game tactics? There are too many situations in league and NT competitions where point difference has a decisive effect, so that option will give managers the opportunity to fight for this point difference

From: Apex
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273519.781 in reply to 273519.779
Date: 5/18/2019 1:33:58 PM
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Also ironically enough i'm getting a "your connection is not secure" error when trying https now for BB. Im pretty sure its the SSL certificate but not entirely. Banmanpro.buzzerbeater is at your connection instead

2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.