Every time someone bought a player, it's because nobody wanted to pay more, so every time it was an outbid?
Seriously I don't know if you are serious by this question...
When someone is placing the last bid (and consequently wins it) but his bid is just the minimum requested above the previous bid (or something close to that) then it is most positively not an Over-Bid.
On the other hand, when a user cannot attend an auction so we puts an amount which is twice the value that player is worth (for example), then it is easily called overbidding.
And I believe you know that...
It would be the same with auto-bid, BUT computer would save you of your bad knowledge of the market, great...
It would be the same, comparing to the first case - meaning the player will not over-bid by this system!
It would not be the same like the second case.
Meaning - those who cannot be at the specific time of the auction, but knows they want that player will not be unfairly in worse position for that bid.
It has nothing to do with "knowing the market", it has all to do of removing unreasonable advantage that has nothing to do with the game.
I do agree that you may be right at one point - a user that is unfamilar with the market (which is part of the game), may just try bidding between the current price until whatever value he chooses. Only that this is true also in current system...
So, auto-bid does not change status regarding that, but...
Maybe there is a need to define another feature that will limit amount of bidding (
in both systems) per user, for example - the highest bid a user put should not be more than twice the first bid he gaved for that auction.
Again - this has nothing to do with the auction system used.
Many players here aren't able to speak in their own language and you think most of them speak English ?
About translation, you should talk to LA-Wolph, it should be funny to read.
It would be more fair in case the language (which is not what the game is about) wouldn't be an issue here, but it ain't so, and would require enormous work.
It is a limitation for the BB comunity growing, but it is far less limiting than the Auction system, and much more complex to fix.
Anyhow, it doesn't mean that unfairness should't be handled just because there are other unfairness in the game.
And for the developping time, it could close the discussion, it's not a priority, nor by a long shot, We can discuss again in some years :D
Yes it is a priority, has it is causing great unfairness between a very small group that has an unfair advantage (who can allow themseles being connected almost whenever they want) and all the others.
It also has a good priority has the cost of the fix is very (very) small.
Current state is that users are leaving the game because its' auction unfairness.
I guess that the site's owner does not like that...