The issue is "how to prevent new managers from spending their 300k in very bad TL deals".
The global trend that leads to this is caused by "unfair" trades (and guess who shows up then ? daytraders)
Like Wolph expla.
dont think its a bambi problem --
Transfer 4/25/2013 23 Purchased from Wattn didde?! for $ 11 000
Transfer 4/12/2013 23 Purchased from 慈雲山公牛 for $ 300 000
the bb market is fukked up, i metioned it on an unheard post in this thread..i would bet 95% of the players on the market didnt sell / the market is for user with a big time window ( most user dont have the time to check the value - they searching, checking the wallett and pray ) , traders like the spanish user grullo ( btw: gratulation to make a bet on every "free agent" .. must be a record :p) take advantage from that / more user left the game = more chances for big daytrading deals etc pp
i go with the suggestion from the nippon dude ..would change alot ( know why wolph isnt like that, cause in that case it would hit his own strategy ;))
rest im with that spanish should start to paint the house, instead changing the kitchen table for some who cant accept the challenge
Last edited by WillFreeman at 4/26/2013 11:38:30 AM