Hello E-5,
I am very surprised by your post and to be honest i am disapointed. You have a great team and the homecourt advantage, nothing is done yet why complaining ? Obviously you don't like competition. I understand why you were so reluctant about the merge...
You blame me for buying "the title on credit" ! When you loose money and win it is fair, when i loose money and try to win it it is unfair ? What was i supposed to do ? Let you win the title on credit ? With your team (900k total salaries), you're losing a lot of money each week since the beginning of the season. Did anyone say you were dominating the league on credit ? Did anyone say you won the cup on credit ? No. You had money in your bank and you have decided to spend it. You choose to scare everybody with your 900k dollar's roster, no problem with me. That is your strategy.
Since i could not be connected to BB during interseason and could not buy the players i needed, i choose an other strategy. I've decided to let you take the homecourt advantage and to abandon the cup. While you were losing big amount of money each week, i was earning a lot of money.
You don't know nothing about my economy, how can you accuse me of "buying the title" ? Your team has many strangers (your starting five is 100% made with strangers). My team is made mainly with senegalese. I bought Djiba and Diatourou to maximize my merchandising and now i have 6 players from Team Senegal in my roster. Three of them are starters with Senegal NT. Players from Senegal NT represent 54% of my Total Player Salaries. Players from South Africa NT represent 11% of your total players salaries. That makes a big difference in term of Merchandise profit. Then, you probably pay the overextension tax since you bought your main players. I do not. I have trained Traore during a long time and now train Aw, Ndiaye and Niass. It gives me a huge training exemption. All this gives me more flexibility than you have. Is it buying the title on credit ? I don't think so, i think it's long term strategy ;-)
Good luck to you and don't forget the most important : BB is a game. We're here to have fun ;-)