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BB Cyprus > [U21] toward our future

[U21] toward our future

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117714.8 in reply to 117714.7
Date: 11/11/2009 08:44:47
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks to you man and JUMPER JUMPER JUMPER :p

This Post:
117714.9 in reply to 117714.7
Date: 11/11/2009 13:54:31
Overall Posts Rated:
you both put so much passion in this manager game thats unreal

since a user has only his team it is just your game, but has you took such an engagement, you have to be serious and take it seriously, otherwise a man would not be worth his word.

we coach Nts a lot better than our own teams.

and as we take this so seriously we got results, others with larger comunities fail were we reach unexpected goals.

and we do like to do it this way. as we won't have such time to spend on BB we won't get commitments we can not fulfill.

said taht i thank you for you appreciation and congratuolion and:

