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Day trading pros and cons

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From: Axis123
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155565.8 in reply to 155565.7
Date: 9/9/2010 11:58:06 PM
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My question is.. Should there be a trading market? It is in no way realistic.

Major basketball associations in the world have their managers sign contracts with players (which are negotiated with the players and their managers). These are contracts and franchise owners incur heavy penalties for waiving contracts.

It might be difficult to remove any form of buying and selling players, but it is not realistic that this is how one BB member generally beats another BB member.

So, perhaps to rephrase the way I would put my question... Should their be a trading market that has such a high influence in success in the game?

From: Axis123

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155565.11 in reply to 155565.9
Date: 9/10/2010 2:32:09 AM
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I definitely see what you're saying, and I agree. These are contracts. There is no Day Trading. Trades are an important part of the game, no doubt. It's the Day Trading that makes it unrealistic.

To be honest, I don't know how it would work without it. BB would have to change quite a few things to make it work. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't express our opinion and suggest that it does change in some way. (not that anyone is telling me or anyone else not to).

I like your idea. Maybe a "blind" bidding system. I dunno....

From: Axis123
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155565.12 in reply to 155565.1
Date: 9/11/2010 12:05:25 AM
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BuzzerBeater is an online basketball simulation game that pits you against other managers across the planet. Play head-to-head against other challengers, employing strategic game play and statistical analysis. Go beyond fantasy basketball and run your own franchise.

Take your team to the top of your league. Then continue up the BuzzerBeater ranks to beat out managers from around the world. No excuses. No retreat. Just you and 55783 opponents who would like nothing better than to run you out of the gym.
Realistic basketball action. Play the most advanced basketball simulation and coaching AI ever released. Watch games live on a state-of-the-art viewer.
You're the manager. You pick the players, you train them, and you tell them how to play. Want a bigger arena? Build it. Want to draft a superstar? It's all about scouting. You make the decisions and you’re in charge!

From: Axis123

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155565.13 in reply to 155565.12
Date: 9/11/2010 12:08:59 AM
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employing strategic game play and statistical analysis

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing the game, I just would love for it to adhere more closely to this statement.

This Post:
155565.14 in reply to 155565.13
Date: 9/11/2010 12:58:05 AM
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if they wanted to stop day trading they could stop it utterly, now, forever, there are at least two super easy ways of stopping it and the fact that the BBs havent done anything about i shows that they like it or at least dont dislike it

i think the market is fantastic one of the real winning features of bb, the buying is awesome, the selling right away, even though i do it sometimes because it is just too easy, is bad

ways to stop it, utterly, dead, forever

1) all players when signed are on a 30 day contract and cannot be sold (or fired?) until this minimum contract expires
2) tax rate increace dramatically based on how long the player has been on the the team rather than how many guys you have sold, it could start at like a 90% tax if they have been on your team a week or less, 50% if a month or less down to 0% at a season or more
3) guaranteed contracts, when you buy a player you also buy their contract and will have to pay them until the end of the current season hether or not you sell them, this would not apply to players you bought in a previous season, original players or draft picks - this would really stop people buying $500,000 players for one game
4) enthusiasm effect - every time you sell a player your enthusiasm goes down 1 point (this wouldn't stop everyone but would stop a lot) - possible exceptions to this would be during all star week and/or the week before the trade cutoff and/or in the off season - i think something similar already is in place for NT teams to stop them randomly adding and removing players

Last edited by abigfishy at 9/11/2010 12:58:39 AM