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Home advantage point math

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From: SammyD

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156089.8 in reply to 156089.7
Date: 9/5/2010 5:51:10 PM
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The only way you could look at the maths of it is if you were looking at the game engine code. You could look at some statistics but I think it's pretty hard to collect the data for this one as you can't tell without asking what PR manager teams have.

Basically the Home team always has an advantage but the size of the advantage depends on what PR managers the teams have.

From: CrazyEye

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156089.9 in reply to 156089.6
Date: 9/6/2010 10:44:20 AM
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Does that means that the away team will have advantage over home team for the above situation, or the home team still have advantage over the away team.


What if there is this home team with Crowd Involvement, and away team with National Appeal, in this situation, will the team advantage be balanced, or will the home team have advantage over the away team?

As the manual said, the NA PR manager only decreases HCA, doesn't negate it. So I think the logical interpretation would be that the home team will always have the advantage, although that advantage can be lessened.

and the hca advantage is still very big, even against an national appeal PR ;)

The exact difference betwenn, the pr specialities made would be a intresting fact for me but i don't expect that they make a "big" difference.