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future of my team

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From: Stajan

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165002.8 in reply to 165002.1
Date: 11/29/2010 3:51:07 AM
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If you feel you can easily promote while extensively expanding your arena, I urge you to do so. I regret not expanding my arena when I had the chance. I got a little obsessed with the transfer list and upgrading my team, and abandoned arena construction, but now due to dreadful game management I'm not even going to make the playoffs when I very easily could have (and probably could have won my conference as it currently stands). I cant add more salaries to help out, either. My arena is too small and I'm not making nearly as much as I should be from attendance.

So definitely upgrade your arena if you can. It can become a big deal. It is a big deal.

Last edited by Stajan at 11/29/2010 3:55:18 AM