It isn't that Push The Ball generates more OF than Patient.
In fact, no offense generates more offensive flow. It depends solely on your personnel. If your Flow is heavily stacked toward your point guard, your game ratings for OF will be higher. Patient takes OF from more sources than PTB.
As far as the topic goes.
In my IV league, myself and Lumber Jacks have pretty good Flow. It doesn't lag behind our other ratings like the topic suggests.
We are both undefeated and the best in our respective conference. They lead the league in Assists, Turnover differential, and have the league's best offense. I lead the league in Field goal percentage and FG percentage differential.
I can reach about Average(Medium) on good form and using my LI offense.
He can reach about Average(High) with decent regularity, although I speculate he has the potential to reach Respectable(Low)
Ever other top team in the league has pretty typical inept(high), mediocre(low) , ratings though.
Last edited by Bigcatjc at 5/21/2011 8:01:58 PM