Hey guys, good discussion, some interesting ideas coming out here.
To the poster who said 'older players' i can only assume that you actually meant players with higher experience will get more FT's per FGA.
To which i say, probably! Experience is this engima-type skill, which, is probably implemented a lot simpler than what most people would believe! But i do believe that experience has some kind of effect on this ratio.
As for driving, thats an interesting comment. Im not sure. I certainly don't disagree, I quickly analysed it same way i did with FT rating, and essentially its a worse 'direct' relationship between Driving and FTA.
But again, im only looking at my team, whom i mainly play an inside offence, so it could very well be different for a team who plays outside offence. I have a feeling the number of factors are large. Depends on opponents defense, defensive skills of individual opponents, your offense, game situation etc etc. in which case you would need a very large pool of players and data to really analyse this properly, all of which i just dont have. So no biggy.
I think in the end, its probably more related to, as you said, the hidden physicality trait that is within the game that people talk about. And its probably multiplied by a factor of X, by other stats, including Driving, FT, IS, Experience, etc etc.