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Training SF

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From: Coolbobj

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186576.8 in reply to 186576.3
Date: 6/4/2011 3:01:00 PM
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No, I'm saying it is the fastest for a 6'6 kind of player than it is for a 6'0 or 7'0 guy.(for SFs)

Last edited by Coolbobj at 6/4/2011 3:01:25 PM

Check the Suggestions they are important
From: CrazyEye

This Post:
186576.9 in reply to 186576.5
Date: 6/4/2011 6:15:06 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
makes sense.

so 6'6~ prospects are technically the least favorable trainees since they only train best as a SF while short guys can be Guards or SF and tall guys can be PF/C or SF.

6"6 guys also could become good pf ;) and are normally very flexible with the training, even when u had to use it.