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Quick tactic question

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From: ClipCap

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188428.8 in reply to 188428.1
Date: 6/30/2011 11:46:59 AM
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I'd go Motion or Princeton for 2\3 taking most shots. Your 4 will need some kind of outside shot as well.

Right is not a popularity contest!
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188428.9 in reply to 188428.1
Date: 7/1/2011 12:16:53 AM
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Running any outside offense should have your guards and sf taking the shots, but the PG won't take as many because his passing is better than shooting. If he takes a lot of shots that probably means that he is getting matched up against weaker defenders than you sg and sf and should shoot close to as well as them.

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188428.10 in reply to 188428.9
Date: 7/1/2011 12:20:11 AM
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I'm with most people on motion.

Look Inside is also an option with a PG that can really distribute and an SG and SF that have great driving, but that will probably involve your big men a lot more.

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188428.11 in reply to 188428.7
Date: 7/1/2011 9:12:51 AM
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When you have better players, the fast tactitcs help you take more advantage on the other team. You'll have more possesions so, if the other team doesn't have a good bench, will commit more fouls and will lower the field goal percentage.

if you play a slower tactic, your field goal will be better, will play less posessions and, therefore, give the other team less chances. I have tested this several times and