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wth is wrong with endgame substitutions?

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From: CrazyEye

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211952.8 in reply to 211952.7
Date: 3/4/2012 12:25:34 PM
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the thing here, is that the coach don't watch really the time for substitutions, like in rl and that there are less breaks in the game(few to taken, less technical failures(out of bounds etc).

So sometimes the starters are tired in the last minutes, and then they got onto the bench, the time they come to bench can vary through the oppurtunities to substitute before. In the endgame indeed the coach even takes timoeout to give tired players an extra rest(a bb quote long time ago).

And at the starter, point two till one minute till the end, are as important here like 5 or 6 early since max in the final minute the tactic varys here and two point are two points.

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211952.9 in reply to 211952.1
Date: 3/6/2012 8:23:35 AM
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Endgames are screwed. If you trail 2 possessions with a minute and a half left, you start incessant fouling, which gives you a loss pretty easily. But when you then trail by a dozen with 2 secs to go, your coach finally takes a time out and gets your starters back, it's laughable!

From: Cowman

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211952.10 in reply to 211952.6
Date: 3/6/2012 11:42:28 AM
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Or passing.

From: Hopson

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211952.11 in reply to 211952.10
Date: 3/10/2012 9:59:02 PM
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True about what all of you guys said,But Shouldn't the mods do something about the innapropriate language?

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211952.12 in reply to 211952.8
Date: 3/11/2012 3:20:12 AM
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Something is deffinetly messed up Last season when youre trailing the coach take more TO's now something seems messed up Last game i watched 2 close games and both went horrible the lossing team went home with 3-4 TO's in my game the First TO was 4 sec before the game end and went home with 3 TO for the next game.

I forgot to mention that the coach put scrubs from my bench that were not put in rotation they were just dressed for the game but not on the rotation list and i play strictly folow

Last edited by Coach_D at 3/11/2012 3:23:01 AM

From: yodabig

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211952.13 in reply to 211952.12
Date: 3/11/2012 4:04:46 AM
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In my game yesterday I was up 61-10 when 10 seconds into the second half after I missed a shot my opponent called a full timeout. Doh!