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212428.8 in reply to 212428.7
Date: 3/11/2012 12:46:43 PM
Kings XI Punjab
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And there is another reason for that is everyone had their own opinions about things !! :)

From: E.B.W.
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212428.9 in reply to 212428.8
Date: 3/11/2012 9:35:14 PM
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It's not sabotage. Some people are just F***ing stupid. No offense but i feel that if you are not sure about the answer don't give them the answer unless you clearly state that you are not sure. I am fairly new to this game (Started last season) and am tired of some people coming and telling me false info on things or what i should do, when really they have no clue, but then they also argue with the helpful managers who give good answers.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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212428.10 in reply to 212428.3
Date: 3/12/2012 4:00:44 AM
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Very often I saw situation, when manager can't recognize or understand good tip and considers it as misinformation.

i agree more with this, since wrong answer mostly get overuled. Also there are different way for succes, so that lot of questions here have different right answer posted to them.

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212428.12 in reply to 212428.1
Date: 3/12/2012 9:34:02 AM
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There are often discussions about different topics, and if you believe one side, the other might appear to mislead you. i.e.
Driving layups
2-3 zone
Relative usefulness of players with potentials from starter to perennial all-star

There's however lots of misinfo in sell ads, some of which is extremely amusing.

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212428.13 in reply to 212428.1
Date: 3/12/2012 2:44:37 PM
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What is the point of sabotaging somebody who isn't in your league or country and who you'll likely never,ever play? It would just be a complete waste of one's time.

Quite often, I think people answer questions where they just don't know the correct answer. Their intention is actually to be helpful. That said, I don't see very much bad information on these forums and when somebody does give it, several people are usually quick to jump in and correct/overrule his opinion.

Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 3/12/2012 2:46:02 PM

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212428.14 in reply to 212428.13
Date: 3/12/2012 2:48:22 PM
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I think it has to do more with people's perspective. Everyone looks at the game differently. Some people are competitive, some people like building, some people like playing the stock market, some like strategy, some like playing friends. Everyone has a different perspective.

From: Tmu1988
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212428.15 in reply to 212428.10
Date: 3/12/2012 3:07:57 PM
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It's just that people tend to be helpful towards each other. They might not know everything about the particular subject, but at least they are trying. If one only should offer assistance when they master the whole subject, hardly no one would get guided. I don't think they mean harm, it's just that they are learning the subject too.