Well, if you train centers you should win in ID and rebounds, otherwise you'll lose all the matchs! If I've to play against a team that has better guards than me, the defeat is almost sure cause more or less we will have the same level of centers because we don't train them. You've to wait a little bit and to increase as much as you can your ID and rebounds, then you'll see that with some decent guards you can easily win against an outside attack.
Last consideration that I forgot to write yesterday is about home or away match; I'm quite sure that the new engine gives more advantage if you play at home.
PS: I've tried 1-3-1 in this match:
(2299100), the result it was good. You must be sure that the other team will play motion or run&gun, otherwise you'll have more than one problem
1990-2022 Stalinorgel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV-Xppl6h8Et