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Win the playoffs or stay 1 more season?

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From: Mickyster

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247300.8 in reply to 247300.6
Date: 9/11/2013 9:35:51 AM
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It gives a good boost and last till all star break roughly. It lowers over time so the longer you go the less it gets. So winning helps but lowing all games in the Div above is going to pay a lot more then winning ever game in your current division.
If you get up and see you can not stay get down to the salary floor and pocket heaps of cash and focus on training for the season.

From: Gforce929

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247300.9 in reply to 247300.6
Date: 9/12/2013 2:43:04 PM
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And do you think it balances the low score in fan survey if I start losing a lot of matches?

Yes. Earlier in this season, I lost a lot of games including my rival and TV ones. I wasn't selling out every game, but I was still making almost twice as much of money from home games in D.IV compared to D.V.

From: lawrenman

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247300.10 in reply to 247300.1
Date: 9/12/2013 7:18:42 PM
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its always better to promote unless you are going to div 1 and want to make a run at being the new BBB or something stupid like that.

cash is king in this game. not on hand cash, but the ability to generate cash.