Welcome to another episode of Above the Rim T.V., I'm your host Coach Jinx.
This just in... Above the Rim is no longer undefeated!!! You don't say??? What??? Report has it that Team Spikefierce pulled out all the stops by bringing in the 30 something club to get a key win. I guess if you can't build a team, you buy one=D
Not the first time this has happened to Above the Rim. If you can recall last season where Team Chicago Wildboys spent over $600,000 to have one more victory than ATR. Season 26... a season to remember.
On another note the remaining 5 teams remain undefeated but the season is young and payback... well you know.
Congratulations to Morrisville Ninja's on their first victory of the season.
Gotta get my head back in the game.
Till next time on Above the Rim T.V. I'm coach Jinx