Xue with Best Ever individual u21 performance(38481)A first time triple double was the highlight as the Aussies overcame a CT scare from Belgium. Xue put on 10 assists in the first 18 minutes of the game, finishing with 16 by the end of the game. Belgium led the scoring in the first, and second quarters before the game was tied at 3 quarter time. The game looked over with 10 seconds to go as the Aussies were up 5pts, but Belgium knocked in a quick 3, fouling WTS and sending him to the line. Pressure got to him as he was short on both attempts, giving the visitors an opportunity to stay in the game. Belgium star Vaes was sent to the FT line, taking his moment and sinking both shots. Overtime was a one sided affair, as the Aussies showed their dominance pouring on 18pts in 5 minutes.
MVPs (*)
3 votes- Xue- 19pts, 16 assists, 10 rebounds! (*)
2 votes- woodward- 21pts, 6 boards, 5 assists, 4 steals
1 vote- WTS- 20pts, 16 rebs
We watch the games overnight with interest as we are entering the final 8... Our next match is the winner of the Israel/Germany match.