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From: TAHA
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298290.8 in reply to 298290.7
Date: 2/27/2019 12:05:07 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Day 8 (Tuesday 26 February 2019) : Performances by

Night results
KK Bogojina II 100 - Bojan Dubljevic 63
puff puff pass 69 - Naxarita 87
Hennessy Shooters 92 - BC Blynai farm 35
Salvajes B.C. 121 - KALISTI BULLS II 126
Wratislavia Wrocław 88 - MawiMoncito 95
Prekmurje Farmers 63 - Saint Rock BC 80
Les Fils de Poutre 41 - Lafeyette Monarchs 145
Basket Rebels II 76 - UD Crusaders 142

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 145 : Lafeyette Monarchs
Rebounds : 73 : Lafeyette Monarchs
Assists : 37 : Lafeyette Monarchs
Steals : 14 : Naxarita
Block Shots : 16 : KK Bogojina II

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 54 : J. Espinosa (puff puff pass)
Rebounds : 25 : W. Wilder (Saint Rock BC)
Assists : 13 : J. Abella (KK Bogojina II)
Steals : 5 : T. Duggan (KALISTI BULLS II), S. Ragbet (Saint Rock BC)
Block Shots : 5 : J. Abella (KK Bogojina II), J. Mathieu (KK Bogojina II)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : N. Theodoridis (KK Bogojina II) (43 Points, 4 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 1 Steals, 4 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 36
Shooting Guard : J. Espinosa (puff puff pass) (54 Points, 5 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 3 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 29
Small Forward : E. Pinet (KK Bogojina II) (36 Points, 8 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 4 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 34
Power Forward : E. Signoriello (Lafeyette Monarchs) (36 Points, 22 Rebounds, 9 Assists, 1 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 65
Center : D. Daiders (Lafeyette Monarchs) (31 Points, 22 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 1 Steals, 4 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 54

MVP of the evening
E. Signoriello (Lafeyette Monarchs) (36 Points, 22 Rebounds, 9 Assists, 1 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 65

The bad performance of the evening
C. Draper (Les Fils de Poutre) (9 Points, 4 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -9

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : E. Özsözlü (KALISTI BULLS II) : 7 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : J. Toro Bravo (Bojan Dubljevic), R. Vaca Díez (Salvajes B.C.), K. Pihler (Prekmurje Farmers), R. Ulram (Lafeyette Monarchs) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : R. Treumer (KALISTI BULLS II), E. Özsözlü (KALISTI BULLS II) : 53 Minutes

The shooter : J. Espinosa (puff puff pass) : 8 Three points

The best performer : G. Kurt (Wratislavia Wrocław) : Rating : 15.5

The worst performer : P. Boga (Les Fils de Poutre) : Rating : 0.5

From: TAHA
This Post:
298290.9 in reply to 298290.8
Date: 2/27/2019 12:05:56 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Season 45 : Performances (by

Best collective performance of the season
Points : 955 : Salvajes B.C.
Rebounds : 466 : Salvajes B.C.
Assists : 262 : Salvajes B.C.
Steals : 88 : Hennessy Shooters
Block Shots : 86 : Hennessy Shooters

Personal best performances of the season
Points : 81 : B. Hoste (KALISTI BULLS II)
Rebounds : 30 : D. Trandafir (Prekmurje Farmers)
Assists : 20 : J. Espinosa (puff puff pass)
Steals : 8 : V. Beam (MawiMoncito), C. Draper (Les Fils de Poutre)
Block Shots : 8 : W. Kuca (Wratislavia Wrocław), B. Haraldsson (Prekmurje Farmers)

Top 5 of the season
Point Guard : J. Espinosa (puff puff pass) (29.4 Points, 4.4 Rebounds, 6.6 Assists, 3 Steals, 0.9 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 26
Shooting Guard : G. Gilardi (Lafeyette Monarchs) (25.4 Points, 5.1 Rebounds, 5.1 Assists, 1.1 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 24.3
Small Forward : L. Doise (Wratislavia Wrocław) (22.6 Points, 12.3 Rebounds, 2.1 Assists, 1.4 Steals, 0.9 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 28.7
Power Forward : J. Gamarra (Salvajes B.C.) (18.9 Points, 15.4 Rebounds, 3.3 Assists, 1.3 Steals, 1.3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 31.4
Center : M. Garrafa (Salvajes B.C.) (20.1 Points, 12.5 Rebounds, 2.5 Assists, 0.6 Steals, 1.9 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 28.1

MVP of the season
J. Gamarra (Salvajes B.C.) (18.9 Points, 15.4 Rebounds, 3.3 Assists, 1.3 Steals, 1.3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 31.4

The bad performance of the season
C. Draper (Les Fils de Poutre) (8 Points, 4 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 3 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -18

Triple-Double of the season
W. Xuancai (BC Blynai farm) (10 Points, 11 Rebounds, 10 Assists, 2 Steals, 1 Block Shots), J. Abella (KK Bogojina II) (17 Points, 15 Rebounds, 14 Assists, 1 Steals, 3 Block Shots), E. Pinet (KK Bogojina II) (18 Points, 16 Rebounds, 14 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots), E. Signoriello (Lafeyette Monarchs) (16 Points, 10 Rebounds, 11 Assists, 0 Steals, 6 Block Shots)

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens during the season : C. Draper (Les Fils de Poutre) : 43 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees during the season : W. Polfliet (Les Fils de Poutre) : 44 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man of the season : C. Draper (Les Fils de Poutre), P. Boga (Les Fils de Poutre), J. Abella (KK Bogojina II), A. Aimaganbetov (KK Bogojina II) : 384 Minutes

The shooter of the season : G. Kurt (Wratislavia Wrocław) : 29 Three points

The best performer of the season : H. Hsin Pei (UD Crusaders) : Rating : 17.0

The worst performer of the season : B. Altintas (Les Fils de Poutre), B. Altintas (Les Fils de Poutre), G. Lion (Les Fils de Poutre), W. Polfliet (Les Fils de Poutre), B. Altintas (Les Fils de Poutre) : Rating : -0.5

From: Clares

This Post:
298290.10 in reply to 298290.9
Date: 3/10/2019 3:11:22 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Great job. I do not go much into the forum, but it's nice to find active people.