He just throwed worst outside defender to SF spot. I would have done the same. Wth very limited salaries there is no way he will have all missmatches won by him.
Every game is different, it depends on game shape, enthusiasm, everything. Overall i would not be particulaly happy with the outcome if i was you. It seems like not a perfect offense. But yes, you right, there are alot of things to learn from this game, like who defends who in a zone.
Passing also helps for players not to shoot bad shots. I personally like very much passing in positions SF PF C. rises their shot percentages so much. And also helps for the guards to score of their drives alittle bit. Also helps to keep the offensive flow going against strong outside defense teams or zones like in this game.
My bad, wasnt looking very deeply, but your current salaries seems to be for 1-3 spot div II team if utilized correctly. GL on div II, will go straight for div I? Your NT player is worth to play at the highest level. I do not have star players, just camping with minimum salaries making cash for star players