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Draft system

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From: CrazyEye

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33914.8 in reply to 33914.7
Date: 5/30/2008 5:04:35 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
thats random ;)

Your point are splitted random on the 48 player you could draft, so maybe you scout 20 players once or ten twice ;)

Probadly it would something betwenn it.

PS: You get some additional free Scouting points every season.

From: jimrtex

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33914.9 in reply to 33914.7
Date: 6/2/2008 2:08:44 AM
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Think of it as picking a number at random between 1 and 48, and that is the player you scout. Then you pick another number between 1 and 48, If it is a number you've already picked, then that player is scouted a second time. If you've already picked a number twice, another number would be picked.

This all happens at the end of the season. What is happening now, is that each week your count of scouting opportunities is being increased and your bank account being debited. At the end of the season, the 48 players will be generated, and your scouting will be done based on your count of scouting opportunites you generated during the season.

This Post:
33914.10 in reply to 33914.9
Date: 6/4/2008 6:35:22 PM
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Is there a preference with scouting particular positions dependant on training regime?

I traing inside positions for 1 season and with the last season draft my scouts offered me players of wich the top10 were inside players (C and PF).

Is this coincidence?

From: Calum

This Post:
33914.11 in reply to 33914.10
Date: 6/5/2008 2:09:48 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Is this coincidence?

Yes it certainly is. :-D