How you would recognise what was original auction time?
Are you serious? I don't think I even need to answer this.
a) prizes could go unnaturaly higher because people would like to bid "in time"
This makes no sense at all. Why would people pay more for a player because they had to bid before the initial expiry?
b)auctions could be decided in few first hours worse minutes and it would be more about who would find the player soon enough which is not fair for not hardcore users and users with different time than seller.
I can't believe that you think 3 days is not long enough for "hardcore users" to find a player oin the transfer list. It is actually better for the players who log more time because they are more likely to have seen the player. This point is just absurd.
And could be more abusive too,
Please elaborate, because I have no idea why you come up with that.
c) everybody would bid in last minutes which could cause troubles when 10 people bidding at the same time with the same bid
It already happens the way things are now.
this could happen now too but you can be more relaxed knowing if someone would make a bid you have +3 minutes, there is currently no fixed deadline to make a bid
Clearly you do not understand my point at all. The 3 minutes would still be there, but you would be required to have at least begun to participate in the bidding before the auctions initial time limit expires.
I think it is petty reasonable to expect that if someone is interested in a player they should try be there when the auction expires, or at the very least have entered a bid already. You claim it is unfair to expect this, but I believe it is unfair to the people who bid before the deadline to allow people to decide to join 30 minutes after it could have ended.