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From: /joao

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67914.8 in reply to 67914.7
Date: 1/12/2009 11:02:06 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Sometimes, when players are unable to control posession within the last seconds of each quarter - like getting a rebound with 20 sec left and for pure madness, shooting 10 seconds later, I start to think if my they are crackheads.

This Post:
67914.9 in reply to 67914.8
Date: 1/13/2009 1:33:10 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Like the cigarette idea....

Might rename the Malboro Arena....... Smokin Globetrotters.... would they pay me $2mil a year in stadium rights?

If so - I'll edit right now....


The Carlsberg Arena

'Carlsberg don't make Basketball Arenas but if they did it would probably be the best Basketball Arena in the world'!