The offsite community was not welcoming for me. I tried to run for NT and U21 manager. Simply because I was not in a top division they wrote me off, but wanted me to be a part of the offsite community.
You were not written off because you weren't in a top division, you were written off because you had absolutely no experience with anything national team related. I couldn't care less about what division my NT manager is in.
Then they said that I never helped, even though I have a post asking to be a domestic scout, however they did not respond to this and I did not become a domestic scout. Basically what I am saying is, if you contradict what they think is right you will be eaten up by the offsite "community".
You are right on the first part, and I'm sure jfarb just missed your post on the domestic scout page, so you probably would've been put on the list if you mentioned that you were still not on the list. I see that you tried again next season and were let on without a problem. I don't remember you contradicting what we thought was right and I don't remember anyone disrespecting you. I'm sure if you became active on the offsite again, everyone would be fine and would be happy to have you back.
At least the NT has been having managers in the top divisions for who knows how long. How far has the gotten us in the world? Don't say we have had success in the Americas please. Think about it, we are a top 3 if not the top country with people playing buzzerbeater. We have not done much in the world and we are not a threat in the world championships. Yet we have the same people and types of people being the manager over and over again. WHERE HAS THAT GOTTEN US?
The NT has had managers in the top divisions because the managers that have the most NT knowledge and are the most qualified for the position have ended up being managers in top divisions. Once again, I don't have any problem with a manager in DIV/DV managing the national team as long as I think that they know how to bring success to the national team better than any other candidate. When Coco picked this team up, he knew that the team was in the middle of a rebuilding process and we were not likely to win World's. He still had a good enough team to possibly lead us to the semifinals, but we lost games to teams that we should've beaten because of a factor that not one manager that I have seen on BB consider trying to avoid, which is foul trouble. Coco now knows that the players we are trying to build up need to be able to avoid foul trouble, because those are free points going the other way along with less minutes for our best players. I see no reason to say that he did a poor job managing in his last term, and I know that he can win the world championships next season.
I feel like I was never accepted into the community and that is why I stopped posting there. Again I think it is because of the division I am in. If I am such a bad coach, how come I have one of the top 20 year olds? I am deciding if I should make his game shape respectable weekly so you can't use him.
When will you get it through your thick skull that we need new NT managers? Most of the players that are potiential NT players come from DIV and DV.I have basically given up on the NT and U21 team because of how corrupt they are.
I'll admit that some people were a bit rough on you when you joined, and I apologize for that, but I think everyone was showing you a lot more respect after you joined the offsite than when you were someone that we didn't know before. No one thinks that you are a bad manager, and you are certainly training a great player that should be a U21/NT star in the future. I still respect you and I'm sure that many people feel the same, but you have to show respect for others to earn their respect back. I hope you forgive us for what we did wrong, and do what is best for your team and for America.