You have just to ask the right guy Lemon. B)
You should just read Nachtmahr. Joemaverick already explained it ages ago and I agreed with him. B)
Holland isn't 6th like England, they gained 4 positions thanks to the win and they barely made it into the 4th bucket. If they lose some positions after they get eliminated by Serbia they may still be in the 4th bucket, but could also go back to the 5th. If they had lost to Italy they'd be in the 5th for sure
So the difference for them is between avoiding:
- Israel, Switzerland, Turkey, England, Portugal (if they stay in the 4th bucket)
- Bulgaria, Latvia, Slovenia, Romania, Belarus/Ireland (if they go back to the 5th)
At this rate and with this mentality maybe in another 40 seasons the Dutch kitten might break through and reach the 3rd or 2nd bucket and feel ready to try and win something...
Last edited by Lemonshine at 2/18/2017 5:33:19 PM