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USA - III.5 > Goodness gracious sakes alive it's season 45

Goodness gracious sakes alive it's season 45

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297714.80 in reply to 297714.79
Date: 4/23/2019 10:09:21 PM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
Kitties missed their flight, ouch.

No real surprises.

Both top seeds go to the weekend on a collision course. Let's see if either of their opponents have something truly inspired.

The brewskies win was rather Pyrrhic as he had two starters go down with a stomach virus. When I called him to congratulate him on his game one triumph I informed him about the state of his players who went down, and I quote..."what the hell, did they both go to Red Lobster for dinner before the game" ....also it proves my hypothesis that in this game injuries are contagious.

The general's looked shaky for a while, but played one of their better halves of the year to win a game a lot closer than the score would indicate. I would really like to close it out Saturday so I don't have to pay my players another weeks salary, the chunks will have other ideas about that I'm sure.

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297714.81 in reply to 297714.80
Date: 4/23/2019 10:50:03 PM
CC Mavs
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Second Team:
D-Town Cowboys
Well I surely didn't expect a no-show. On to face the music of 2. I am not sure, I like the possibility of having 4 new teams (5 if 2 wins it all). Might get 2 or 3 Burger Chefs and the Slaughter House would get bloodier.

Last edited by Coach Law at 4/23/2019 11:16:45 PM

This Post:
297714.83 in reply to 297714.82
Date: 4/26/2019 11:10:41 PM
Greensboro Generals
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Your opening montage is of full throttle action on both sides of the ball, along with the full range of emotions that goes into it all!

Announcer: tonight two teams will take one more step towards a title while three others look to gain their salvation with three more looking to fight another day.

In the battles for survival.

The general's hope to build on the momentum of a strong second half in game one but the chunks will have other ideas with the action returning to their friendly confines.

Deronimo looks to hold a serious upper hand over hackers but there is no telling what a change of venue could cause to occur.

And the brewskies are hoping that the two starters dealt a case of dysentery on Tuesday will find a way to get back into action. But with neutrons ownership currently incommunicado the brewskies at least have a leg up on knowing what's coming their way.

But that's the appetizers, now let's look at the main courses.

2 took a tumble with a stalwart being lost for Saturday, now let's see if the Mavs are prepared to finish .

And the bunnies are hoping that stormz is not about to go all fatal attraction on them.

Sybil will have her say. Alfred's Angle and Lee's Way are forthcoming. We will take a look at these strange stomach ailments which have become a buzzerbeater epidemic. So do your best to keep it all down as that and lots more is in store as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 4/26/2019 11:12:33 PM

This Post:
297714.84 in reply to 297714.83
Date: 4/30/2019 8:38:21 AM
Greensboro Generals
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Your opening montage features the looks of various players with their 1000 yard stare transitioning into some game action shots.

Announcer: Tonight two teams take one more step towards moving up. While two teams have one final chance to avoid going down.

Our championship series features one team everyone expected to be here in stormz with one modest surprise in mavs making a breakthrough. The Mavs took advantage of 2 being short handed to get here, tonight they are afforded the same advantage.


And with one team preparing to move up one more must steel themselves for the prospect of moving down. For the third straight season the general's find themselves in such a predicament. Greensboro took the first fall by 17 in a game much closer than the score would indicate. The chunks crushed it in game 2 crusing by 14 in a contest no where near that close. Now tonight the loyalist make their way to the venerable coliseum to see if their heroes can once avoid being kicked off the island.

Sybil will have her say. Alfred and Lee are also on the way to give their opinions on this evening's proceedings. And we will take a look at where various clubs who will be back next season could be heading. All that and more is in store as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 4/30/2019 8:54:00 AM

This Post:
297714.85 in reply to 297714.84
Date: 5/1/2019 5:54:14 PM
CC Mavs
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Second Team:
D-Town Cowboys
1st Quarter Me - I might have a chance
2nd Quarter - Oh No Come on Boyz
3rd Quarter - Losing it
4th Quarter - Next Game Hopefully ...

Good Game Player

Congratzie Coach Lam you dodge another bullet. One more life gone from those 9 you had. Now what,

This Post:
297714.86 in reply to 297714.85
Date: 5/2/2019 7:11:55 AM
Greensboro Generals
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In this league there are no easy answers, and it ain't gonna get easier. The problem is we have enough on hand to hang around, but the deficiencies present make upward mobility difficult, especially in this meat grinder. The problem is as it always has been, resources.

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297714.87 in reply to 297714.86
Date: 5/4/2019 1:36:18 PM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

Your opening montage shows the glittering skyline of big D morphing into a few highlights from game one.

Announcer: After stormz was able to survive the first foray of the finals the scene now switches to the lone star state
. Now the question is, does stormz have enough in the tank to take it home tonight or do the Mavs extend matters to a final fall? Tonight Webb and Thomas are on the call as it's time to move perhaps the final step in settling it all.

Sybil of course will have her say. Alfred's angle and Lee's way will also be forthcoming. We take a look at a very active week on the transfer ticker as moves for next season are starting now. Plus the commissioner comes by for his state of the slaughthouse address so don't be under duress, as it's time again for edition of BB2NIGHT

This Post:
297714.88 in reply to 297714.87
Date: 5/5/2019 11:44:39 AM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

Tonight's montage features the highlights of last night's dramatic finish with the pbp of Thomas and Webb.

Announcer: and now it comes down to one last round. The mavs rode a crest of emotion to get us to this point. Now we find out if coach law can come up with a plan to pull off a shocker . Or will playerized puts a emphactic punctuation mark on their quest to become champion. Over the next 48 minutes we will find out.

Sybil will have her say. Alfred's angle and Lee's way will provide additional insight into what it means to play in a all or nothing affair. Also stay tuned for a roll call of former champions as we catch up with those who have secured slaughthouse glory in the past. All that and more as we set the stage for this final battle to settle the score as it's time again for BB2Night!

This Post:
297714.89 in reply to 297714.87
Date: 5/5/2019 11:44:45 AM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

Tonight's montage features the highlights of last night's dramatic finish with the pbp of Thomas and Webb.

Announcer: and now it comes down to one last round. The mavs rode a crest of emotion to get us to this point. Now we find out if coach law can come up with a plan to pull off a shocker . Or will playerized puts a emphactic punctuation mark on their quest to become champion. Over the next 48 minutes we will find out.

Sybil will have her say. Alfred's angle and Lee's way will provide additional insight into what it means to play in a all or nothing affair. Also stay tuned for a roll call of former champions as we catch up with those who have secured slaughthouse glory in the past. All that and more as we set the stage for this final battle to settle the score as it's time again for BB2Night!

This Post:
297714.90 in reply to 297714.89
Date: 5/5/2019 10:35:06 PM
CC Mavs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
D-Town Cowboys
I couldn't get er done. Congratzie Stormz GL on your next level.
